Literal question
- Now we are going to play one last game. I will show you some pictures and we will find out how many words you already know. Some words are easy, some words are hard. So don’t worry if you don’t know the solution. Just try your best.
- Question 68: carrion
Interviewer instructions
Assess whether the child is ready to be tested by using the training pages A, B, and C. In training page A, you should ask () to point at the doll. If () does not point at the doll, you may use a range of alternatives to prompt () to point to do so (e.g., by asking () to take a guess, by giving him/her a wooden stick with which to point, by demonstrating for him/her how to point at the doll, or even by holding the his/her hand and directing his/her finger towards the doll).
Similar techniques can be used for training pages B and C, where () should point at the “man” (in B) and “swinging” (in C). If () fails to point at the pictures, the enumerator may ask him/her to point at other images on the same page (e.g., “fork” instead of “doll” on Page A; “comb” instead of “man” on Page B, “to drink” instead of “to swing” on page C, etc.)
If () fails to point at the items included in the training pages, this may be due to the fact that he/she is shy or anxious in the enumerator’s presence. In such cases, additional strategies may be used to put the child at ease, such as playing with him/her a bit more, singing, playing games, etc.
If () still fails to correctly point at a minimum of two pictures included in the training pages (with or without help) after the above strategies have been used, this means that the he/she is not ready to be tested, and you should not proceed any further.
If () is ready to be tested (i.e., if he/she was able to correctly point at a minimum of two pictures included in the training pages, with or without help), you should proceed with the test.
It is very important, once the test begins, that you strictly stick to the description of the item included in the test (without giving further details or explanations) and that no other family members help () pointing at the right picture. It is also important to tell () that from then on, the child can only take one guess per page.
If a child does not know which picture to select, ask him/her to try anyway. If it still does not respond, select a WRONG response.
RVT test will stop when 6 out of the last 8 questions are answered incorrectly