Gender Indicators in Agricultural Statistics, Pilot Study 2016
Name | Country code |
Uganda | UGA |
Agricultural survey [ag/oth]
The Global Strategy to improve Agriculture and Rural Statistics (GSARS) and Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) administered a pilot study to test questions around (a) intra-household decision-making process in the operation and management of agricultural holdings and (b) remunerated and non-remunerated work in agricultural households. The study sample consists of agricultural households in the districts of Bukedea, Kamelia, and Buikwe in the Eastern Region. The field tests consisted of two questionnaires: (1) a brief holding questionnaire and (2) an individual questionnaire. The holding questionnaire asked for the holder of the holding as is traditionally done in agricultural censuses and national surveys, where the holding is defined as an economic unit of agricultural production under single management comprising of all livestock kept and all land used for agricultural production purposes, and the holder is a person who manages or has control over the holding and makes the major decisions regarding the use of the holding. From the holding questionnaire, the enumerators selected two respondents from the agricultural household holding for the individual questionnaire. When possible, the holder was designated as the first respondent of the individual questionnaire. The second respondent was spouse or partner of holder if he or she lives in the household and is engaged in agriculture on the holding.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Two enumerators—one male and one female—interviewed the two respondents per household. The survey consists of a holding questionnaire and individual questionnaire. The holding questionnaire included a household roster, demographic questions, dwelling characteristics, and a plot rosters. For this part of the questionnaire, one enumerator interviewed the respondents in the same room and both enumerators recorded the information. This ensured that the household and plot rosters contained the same information for both respondents. The individual questionnaire consisted of decision-making questions on the parcel, plort, crop, and livestock activities as well as a 24 time diary. It was administered privately and in separate locations to ensure the respondents did not influence the responses of the other. Additionally, to minimize unobserved respondent biases of household members trying to coordinate responses once households become aware of the survey from the community, the teams were instructed to implement the survey swiftly in each neighbourhood area.
Topic |
Decision-making |
Agriculture |
Intrahousehold |
Not representative
Name |
Global Strategy for improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics (GSARS) |
Name | Affiliation |
Uganda Bureau of Statistics | Government of Uganda |
Name |
Global Strategy for improving Agricultural and Rural Statistics |
The sample consisted of 512 agricultural households from 32 randomly selected enumeration areas (EAs) in the districts of Bukedea, Kamelia, Buikwe in the Eastern Region with 16 systematically selected households per EA. It is not representative at the district level as this was cost prohibitive and some EAs needed to be dropped from the population prior to EA selection. A complete listing of the selected EAs was done prior to the survey implementation and sampling. In 21 households, the surveys were not completed resulting in a non-response rate of four percent and a final sample of 491 with 169 households from Bukedea, 161 from Kamelia, and 161 from Buikwe. For 318 households, there were two respondents.
Response rate was 96%.
Start | End |
2016-06-01 | 2016-08-01 |
Variables with all missing observations were deleted.
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | The users shall not take any action with the purpose of identifying any individual entity (i.e. person, household, enterprise, etc.) in the micro dataset(s). If such a disclosure is made inadvertently, no use will be made of the information, and it will be reported immediately to FAO. |
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GSARS, UBOS. (2016). Gender indicators in agricultural statistics: Uganda pilot study, 2016
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | |
Marya Hillesland | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Office of Chief Statistician | Food and Agriculture Organization | Metadata adapted for FAM |
Marya Hillesland | Metadata producer | |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Metadata adapted for World Bank Microdata Library |
Version 01 (November 2022): This metadata was downloaded from the FAO website ( and it is identical to FAO version (UGA_2016_GIAS_v01_EN_M_v01_A_OCS). The following two metadata fields were edited - Document ID and Survey ID.