Standardised Expanded Nutrition Survey (Dukwi), 2013
Name | Country code |
Botswana | BWA |
Demographic and Health Survey [hh/dhs]
In December 2013, Botswana's Dukwi refugee camp was host to an estimated 3,104 individuals (1,527 households) from 14 countries, mostly Somalia and Namibia. There was an assortment of languages and cultures co-existing in the camp. In December 2013, UNHCR conducted a nutrition survey in the camp with the overall aim to assess the prevalence of malnutrition and to monitor selected indicators of programme performance. The survey was based on the UNHCR Standardised Expanded Nutrition Survey (SENS) guidelines for refugee populations (v1.3) (see and the Standardized Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions (SMART) methodology (v1).
This data is the anonymous version of the data collected for the 2013 survey. See the details on the specific objectives of the survey and survey methods in the report.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Household and individual
v2.1: Edited, cleaned and anonymised data.
The scope includes:
Topic |
Health and Nutrition |
Food security |
Malaria Prevention and Control |
Water Sanitation Hygiene |
Dukwi refugee camp, Botswana
all refugee households living in the camp
Name |
Name |
Botswana Ministry of Health |
Botswana Red Cross Society |
Skillshare International |
Simple random sampling
Raw survey weights are included in the dataset (see survey_weight), and were calculated by dividing the total number of households/individuals in the sample frame by the size of the sample for each module.
Start | End |
2013-12-16 | 2013-12-23 |
Name |
United Nations Refugee Agency Microdata Library
Original Archive Study ID: UNHCR_BWA_2013_SENS_v2.1
Cost: None
UNHCR (2022). Botswana: Standardised Expanded Nutrition Survey (Dukwi) - 2013. Accessed from:
Name | Affiliation | |
UNHCR Global Data Service Statistics and Demographics Section | UNHCR | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
UNHCR | ||
Development Data Group | World Bank | Metadata adapted for World Bank Microdata Library |
Version 1 (December 2022). This version is identical to UNHCR DDI ID: UNHCR_BWA_2013_SENS_v2.1, except the following edits were made:
-Document ID and Survey ID,