Standardised Expanded Nutrition Survey (Mayukwayukwa and Meheba), 2013
Name | Country code |
Zambia | ZMB |
Other Household Survey [hh/oth]
This is the second SENS in Zambia refugee settlements. The first took place in 2009.
The UNHCR Standardized Expanded Nutrition Surveys (SENS) provide regular nutrition data that plays a key role in delivering effective and timely interventions to ensure good nutritional outcomes in the refugee populations. UNHCR in collaboration with WFP and UNICEF and its project partners, Ministry of Community Development Mother and Child Health, MOH and MHA/COR, organized and conducted the nutrition survey in the two refugee settlements of Meheba and Mayukwayukwa refugee settlements in December 2013, where supplementary feeding programmes were implemented with the aim to prevent and reduce acute malnutrition among moderate malnourished children below 5 years and pregnant and lactating women. This was the second SENS in these two settlements, previous one conducted in 2009. The main objective of the SENS was to determine the overall health and nutrition status, to determine anaemia and mortality rates in order to establish programme strategies and activities to sustainably improve the refugee livelihoods, nutritional and health status.
The survey includes three household-level modules (food security, mosquito net and water and sanitation (WASH)) and three individual-level modules (infants, children under five and women). Systematic random sampling was used in both settlements, and the sample size was calculated based on the highest global acute malnutrition (GAM) prevalence rate (8.4%). See further details in the report.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Individual and Household
v2.1: Edited, cleaned and anonymised data.
The scope includes:
Topic |
Health and Nutrition |
Health |
Food security |
Malaria Prevention and Control |
Water Sanitation Hygiene |
Meheba and Mayukwayukwa refugee settlements
All refugees in Meheba and Mayukwayukwa refugee settlements
Name |
Name |
Systematic random sampling was used in both settlements, and the sample size was calculated based on the highest global acute malnutrition (GAM) prevalence rate (8.4%). See further details in the report.
The SENS survey consisted of one questionnaire per module: food security, mosquito net coverage, water and sanitation and hygiene (WASH),women of reproductive age 15-29 years, children under 5 years, and children 0-23 months
Start | End |
2013-12-08 | 2013-12-21 |
Name |
The surveys were coordinated by the UNHCR Nutrition Survey Coordinator who was assisted by Refugee Officers
in both settlements and the UNHCR HIV Counsltant. Further assistance was also provided by the health and
nutrition teams from the two settlements.
Data collection were done by six teams independently recruited and trained from each settlement, each team had 5
individuals: one anthropometric measurer, one hemoglobin (HB) measurer, one Mosquito net, one food security and
IYCF enumerator, one WASH questionnaires enumerator. See more details in report.
United Nations Refugee Agency Microdata Library
Original Archive Study ID: UNHCR_ZMB_2013_SENS_v2.1
Cost: None
UNHCR (2022). Zambia: Standardised Expanded Nutrition Survey (Mayukwayukwa and Meheba) - 2013. Accessed from:
Name | Affiliation | |
UNHCR Global Data Service Statistics and Demographics Section | UNHCR | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
UNHCR | ||
Development Data Group | World Bank | Metadata adapted for World Bank Microdata Library |
Version 1 (December 2022). This version is identical to UNHCR DDI ID: UNHCR_ZMB_2013_SENS_v2.1, except the following edits were made:
-Document ID and Survey ID,