Social Safety Net Interlinking Nutrition and Workfare Impact Evaluation 2015-2016, Endline Survey
Name | Country code |
Djibouti | DJI |
The Government of Djibouti is piloting an innovative integrated public works and nutrition intervention that The intervention (i) actively involves the main caregiver in a number of ways (nutrition, workfare) to strengthen her role in the household and (ii) makes access to income (workfare) conditional on the caregiver attending regular nutrition promotion activities. The impact evaluation is a randomized control trial that allocates the offer of public works program to households who are beneficiaries of the nutrition activities in one neighborhood of urban Djibouti ville (Hayableh). The first objective of this evaluation is to test the value added of combining a public works program targeted to women over and above the provision of information and promotion of behavioral change in nutrition practices. The second objective is to test whether these effects are only short term, or whether they extend beyond the fifty days of participation in the public works program. Endline surveys were collected on average 9 months after the end of the public works programs.
-v2.1: Edited, anonymous dataset for public distribution.
Name |
World Bank |
Name |
World Bank |
Name | Role |
Strategic Impact Evaluation Fund | Funding |
The following instruments were used for data collection:
Household questionnaire: A comprehensive household survey similar to the one at the baseline survey was administered to beneficiary women, and to the husbands of these women. The woman beneficiary survey covered the following topics: household socio-economic characteristics, health and nutrition practices, food security, durable assets, housing characteristics, household expenses, non-labor income, transfers, intra-household decision making, personality traits, well-being and time use. The man survey covered: labor supply of household members and income from labor, household expenses on items usually bought by male members (khat, cigarettes, transport, etc.), intra-household decision making, personality traits, well-being and time use.
Employment Diaries: In order to measure labor force participation with the same precision as at midline, employment diaries were administered to both the beneficiary woman and her husband during three consecutive weeks while the public works were taking place. The diaries also included modules on labor force participation of other household members, labor and non-labor income, and transfers. A module that measured intra-household cash transfers between the respondent and the rest of household members was also administered weekly as part of the diaries to capture contemporaneous income transfers cross household members.
Questionnaires are structured as follows:
Household questionnaire
Household questionnaire: Woman
Socio-economic characteristics
Savings and credit
Food diversity and security
Intra-HH decision making
Time use
Child care
School participation
Program knowledge
Self-esteem and mental health
Pregnancy/birth and access to nutrition/health services
Labor market activation
Household questionnaire: Man
Time use
Self-esteem and mental health
Labor market activation
Employment Diaries: Woman
Labor supply of woman
Labor supply of other HH members
Non-labor income
Intra HH-transfers
Employment Diaries: Man
Labor supply of husband
Intra HH-transfers
Start | End | Cycle |
2015-02-15 | 2015-04-03 | 1st wave A1 |
2015-05-23 | 2015-06-06 | 2nd wave A2 |
2015-10-12 | 2015-11-05 | 3rd wave B1 |
2016-01-24 | 2016-03-11 | 4th wave B2 |
Data was collected using the World Bank Survey Solutions CAPI (
The data collection was staggered in waves, in line with the staggered rollout of the public works. For more information on data collection, see 'Guide to dataset: Djibouti social safety net endline survey data' provided for download.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
World Bank. Djibouti - Social Safety Net Interlinking Nutrition and Workfare Impact Evaluation 2015-2016, Endline Survey (SSNNWIE-EL 2015-16). Ref: DJI_2015-2016_SSNNWIE-EL_v01_M. Downloaded from [uri] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Data Group | World Bank | Documentation of the study |
Version 01 (2023-03-16)