Value |
Category |
Already interviewed with id 106542 |
Already interviewed with nl3032 106239 |
Contacted twice and he does not have time for the interview and suggested he should be taken off the program |
Has already been interviewed with nl3278 106141, he was interviewed by error twice during the baseline with two different codes |
Has alredy been interviewed with code nl3248 106212 |
Have no interest |
He said he is no longer interested in the program |
No interest |
None |
Not interested |
Relocated,beside he doesn't have time |
Respondent said she did the baseline interview because she was expecting to be supported by Gadco but since she was not added to the program she sees no need to grant any more interviews |
Same person with id rk3282 already interviewed |
She told the surveyor during the baseline that she was not interested but was for forced to do it |
They could not retrieve the parcel the respondent listed in the baseline to cultivate |
Visited his home 3 times because his phone is not working. On the 4th visit he openly said he has no time to grant interview |
contacted several times through her phone contact person but never avail herself to be interviewed |
does not understand why he should be interviewed again when he is not receiving treatment |
doesnot have time for any interview since she is not on treatment |
has been contacted several times but showed no interest in availing himself to be interviewed |
not interested |
not interested because she was failed to be given the treatment |
not interested in providing any information |
not interested in the interview |
not interested in this particular round of interview |
not willing to provide any information |
removed for publication |
shes no longer the PC of the parcel |
told the surveyor during the baseline that he was not interested but was forced to do it |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.