Value |
Category |
1 |
Salary was too low |
2 |
Salary would not cover basic expenses |
3 |
House rent is too expensive |
4 |
Working conditions were not good enough |
5 |
Cannot/did not want to stand for long periods of time during work |
6 |
Rules and regulations are too strict |
7 |
Health-related |
8 |
It takes too long to travel to factory |
9 |
Transportation options are inadequate |
10 |
Work begins too early in morning |
11 |
Work ends too late in the afternoon/evening |
12 |
Work schedule conflicted with school schedule |
13 |
Safety concerns |
14 |
Husband or other family member would not allow |
15 |
Did not like interview process |
16 |
Found another job before hired |
17 |
Does not need the job right now |
18 |
Other (specify) |
Sysmiss |