Value |
Category |
. |
02 keeps it as pocket money for mid months expenses |
Buy drinks,sweets,bread |
Buy food & paraffin |
Buy general things (fruit) |
Buy little things like groceries |
Buy matches |
Buy sweets |
Buy whatever is needed at home |
Buy whatever is short in the household |
Buys some nice things for the children when they go to school |
Contribute towards hh expenses |
Emergency till next payment |
For anything that can happen |
For buying some small items that he may need at home |
For household expenses |
For household expenses during the month |
For keeping card open or bank account open |
Househol needs |
I keep it at the bank |
Keep for emergencies |
Keep for herself for personal expenses |
Keep for household expenses |
Keep for household extras |
Keep for midmonth expenses |
Keep for personal needs at home |
Keep for whatever is needed |
Keep it & use when needed |
Keep it for emergencies |
Keep it for personal use |
Keep it for unforseen expenses |
Keep it in case he needs paraffin |
Keep it in the bank |
Pay my life insurance policy |
Personal expenses |
Petty cash |
Pocket money |
Put in the bank for personal expenses |
Save for personal interest refer item H10.14 |
Saves it |
Spends on what is needed at the time |
To look after needs of shop |
Travelling when visiting friends |
Use it whenever there is a need |
Uses it where there is a need |
banks it |
buy what is needed at the time |
buy whatever may be needed |
for his needs |
for house hold expenses |
for outstanding expenses in mid month |
for personal and additional expenses |
for personal needs |
for personal use |
for school needs |
for transport, when 02 is sick and groceries |
hh expenses |
keep for childrens needs |
keep it for household emergencies |
keep it for small things |
keep it for transport |
keeps it handy |
pay the expenditures |
pocket money |
save it |
spend it on children |
spend on children |
used for additional expenses in the house |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.