Value |
Category |
111 |
food within home consumption |
112 |
food out-home consumption |
121 |
non - alcoholic beverages within home consumption |
122 |
non - alcoholic beverages outhome consumption |
211 |
alcoholic beverages within home consumption |
212 |
alcoholic beverages out home consumption |
221 |
cigarettes |
222 |
cigars, pipe(pipa), chewing or snuff tobacco |
231 |
narcotics |
311 |
clothing materials |
312 |
garments |
313 |
articles of clothing and clothing accessories |
314 |
repair and cleaning of clothing |
321 |
footwear |
322 |
repair and shoe cleaning |
411 |
actual rentals for housing |
412 |
imputed rentals for housing |
421 |
materials for maintenance and repair of dwelling |
422 |
service for house maintenance and repair |
431 |
water supply |
432 |
sanitation |
441 |
modern sources of energy |
442 |
traditional sources of energy |
511 |
furniture and furnishings |
512 |
carpets and other floor coverings |
513 |
repair of furniture, furnishings & floor coverings |
521 |
household textiles |
531 |
major electric household appliences |
532 |
small electric household appliance |
533 |
repair of household appliances |
541 |
woodware |
542 |
earthen / ceramicware |
543 |
straw and bambooware |
544 |
metalware |
545 |
plasticware |
546 |
glassware |
547 |
repair of household utensiles |
551 |
major hand tools and equipment |
552 |
small tools and miscellaneous accessories |
553 |
repair of house and garden tools |
561 |
non-durable household goods |
562 |
domestic services and household services |
611 |
pharmaceutical products |
612 |
other medical products |
613 |
therapeutic appliances and equipment |
621 |
medical services |
622 |
paramedical services |
631 |
public / government hospitals |
632 |
private hospitals |
711 |
purchase of vehicles |
712 |
purchase of transport animals |
721 |
spare parts & accessories for personal transport |
722 |
fuels and lubricants,feed,foder for personal trans. |
723 |
maintenance, repair and care for personal trasns. |
724 |
other services regarding personal transport equip. |
731 |
road transport |
732 |
air transport |
733 |
water transport |
734 |
other purchased transport services |
811 |
postal services |
821 |
telephone and telefax equipment |
831 |
telephone services |
832 |
telefax services |
911 |
equipment for reception recording & reproduction |
912 |
photographic & cinematographic equipment & optical |
913 |
information processing equipment |
914 |
recording media and other recreational equipments |
915 |
repair of recreational and cultural equipments |
921 |
recreational and sporting services |
922 |
cultural services |
923 |
games of chance |
931 |
books |
932 |
newspapers and miscellaneous printing matter |
933 |
stationery and drawing materials |
1011 |
public schools |
1012 |
non - public schools |
1021 |
public schools |
1022 |
non - public schools |
1031 |
public institutions |
1032 |
non - public institutions |
1041 |
public institutions |
1042 |
non - public institutions |
1051 |
distance learning |
1052 |
informal education |
1111 |
alcoholic beverages out home consumption |
1121 |
accommodation services |
1211 |
hairdressing salons and personal grooming |
1212 |
electric appliances & products of personal care |
1213 |
other appliances & products of personal care |
1221 |
prostitution |
1231 |
jewellary, clocks and watches |
1232 |
other personal effects |
1241 |
community level support / contribution |
1242 |
household / individual level support or charity |
1251 |
modern schems |
1252 |
traditional schems |
1261 |
savings |
1262 |
other financial services |
1271 |
cultural and religious feasts |
1272 |
birth and marriage ceremony |
1273 |
feneral related expenses |
1281 |
association membership |
1282 |
other expenses |
1311 |
farm tools |
1321 |
operational cost of unihe |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.