Value |
Category |
11 |
Consumption of own agricultural production |
12 |
Sale of own agricultural product |
21 |
Consumptio/use of own hh non- agricultural enterprise good & |
22 |
Sale of gods & services of hh non-agri. ent |
31 |
Salary/wage, bonus, ovetime, allowance |
41 |
Interest and royalities |
42 |
Dividends (profit share) |
43 |
House rent |
44 |
Imputed value of dwelling units (own, subdized) |
45 |
Rent of machinery, storage, capital goods, animals, etc. |
46 |
Land/plot rent |
51 |
Saving (bank, saving and credit cooperative, and cash in han |
52 |
Loans for hh consumption & repaiments of loans made |
53 |
Insurance - life & injury |
54 |
From fines and other legal damages |
55 |
Convenance/inheritance |
56 |
Sale of hh fixed assets and personal goods |
57 |
Lottery prizes, gambiling and other prises |
58 |
"Equib" |
61 |
Social security |
62 |
Consumptionof use of donation items from gov't /ngo's |
63 |
Sale of donation items from gov't ngo's |
64 |
Dontation in cash from gov't/ngo's |
65 |
Remittance from local households and persons |
66 |
Remittances from abroad |
71 |
Alms, begging |
72 |
Prostitution activities |
73 |
"Edir" |
74 |
Dowry |
75 |
Gifts (wedding & other sources) |
81 |
Free collection (firewood, water, from forest & others) |
91 |
Other sources n.e.c |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.