Interviewer instructions
Items 9-13: land possessed (in 0.000 hectares): The area of land "owned", "leased-in", "otherwise possessed (neither owned nor leased-in)" and "leased-out" by the household as on the date of survey will be ascertained and recorded against items 9, 10, 11 and 12 respectively in hectares, correct to 3 places of decimals. (Thus any non-zero area less than 0.0005 hectares will be recorded as 0.000. Zero area may be recorded as "-".) The entry cells have been split into two parts - one for the integer part and the other for the fractional i.e., decimal part. The total area of land possessed by the household will be worked out as item 9 + item 10 + item 11 - item 12 and recorded against item 13. The instructions in paragraphs 1.8.7 and 1.8.8 in Chapter One of "Instructions to Field Staff (provided as related documents) are to be read carefully before making any entries here.