Interviewer instructions
Columns (3), (4), (5) and (6): quantity and value: In columns (5) and (6) total consumption of the item by the household during the reference period is to be recorded. This includes all consumption out of monetary and non-monetary purchases and of goods received as gift or charity, obtained through free collection, or as payment in kind. On the other hand, columns (3) and (4) relate only to the imputed value of consumption of home produce. For a number of items, the quantity cells in the schedule are shaded; this means that no quantities are to be recorded. For some items, consumption from home produce is not to be recorded; this, too, is indicated by shading the appropriate cells.
Columns (4) and (6): value: As in the previous round, all value figures are to be recorded in whole number of rupees, after rounding off paise figures, if any.