Interviewer instructions
Question 4.21 - What state or foreign country were you born in?
For native-born Brazilians, record the name of the state where the person was born.
Record Brazil for native-born Brazilians who were born in a foreign country and for persons who do not know what state they were born in.
For foreigners, record the name of the country of birth. If the person does not know, record Does not know.
[p. 106]
The states and their acronyms are listed below:
Amazonas - AM
Bahia - BA
Ceará - CE
Distrito Federal - DF
Espírito Santo - ES
Goiás - GO
Maranhão - MA
Mato Grosso - MT
Mato Grosso do Sul MS
Minas Gerais - MG
Pará - PA
Paraíba - PB
Paraná - PR
Pernambuco - PE
Piauí - PI
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Rio Grande do Norte RN
Rio Grande do Sul - RS
Rondônia - RO
Roraima - RR
Santa Catarina - sc
São Paulo - SP
Sergipe - SE
Tocantins - TO