Literal question
For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]
4.48 In this job, were you employed as a public servant of the justice department (regime juridico) or in the military?
[] 1 yes (go to 4.51)
[] 2 no (go to 4.50)
Interviewer instructions
For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]
Question 4.48 - In this job, did you work under the regime of public employee or as military personnel?
Mark, as the case may be:
1 - Yes - for persons who worked in a governmental institution, foundation, autonomous government agency, etc. (in the executive, legislative or judicial branch) if governed by the legal regime of public employees of any level (federal, state [pg. 127] or municipal) or was a member of the armed forces (navy, army or air force) or of the auxiliary forces (military police, military fire department, etc.).
2 - No - for those who are not classified in the above specifications.