Interviewer instructions
What was your gross monthly income in July, 2000:
Question 4.51 - From your main work?
Question 4.52 - From other work?
For persons who had fixed income, record the amount of gross remuneration (if employee or domestic worker) or money earned (retirado) (if employer or self-employed) in the month of July, 2000, or that you would have earned if you had worked the entire month. For persons on leave through a government social security institute, record the gross amount received as benefit (sick leave, labor accident leave, etc.) in July, 2000.
For persons who had variable income, record the average amount of the gross remuneration or of the money received in July, 2000. By gross remuneration is understood the payment to the employee, including family wages and deductions for social security, income tax, absences, etc. Thirteenth month salary, vacation gratifications or profit shares by the employer should not be included in the monthly income.
Money earned (retirado) is defined as the amount gained (gross income less expenses on the enterprise, employee's salaries, purchases of equipment, raw material, electric energy, telephone bills, etc.) by the person who was engaged in an enterprise as self-employed or employer.
For persons who receive in products or merchandise of the area of work including farming, silviculture, cattle raising, plant extraction, fishing, and fish raising, record:
real or estimated amount normally received in July, 2000, from monthly production; and
average real or estimated monthly amount that the person would usually earn in July, 2000, from seasonal production (temporary production, that is, not produced all year round).
Do not compute the amount of the production for consumption by that person or family or the part earned in benefits, such as housing, food (meals, food baskets, foodstuffs or meal tickets), clothing, transportation tickets, etc.
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For persons who did not receive income from work, mark the square entitled Does Not Have.
For persons who are remunerated only in benefits (housing, meals, clothing, etc.), mark the square only in benefits.
Note: Both questions (main work and other work) should be filled out. For persons who had only one job, mark the square Does Not Have in the field related to the other jobs.