Establishment Census 2011
Name | Country code |
Rwanda | RWA |
Enterprise Census [en/census]
First of its kind
The Establishment Census 2011 was conducted as a joint undertaking by the Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA), Ministry of Trade and Industry (MINICOM), Private Sector Federation (PSF) and the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR). The Census provides a comprehensive picture of Establishments in Rwanda, both formal and informal, for the first time. It will allow Government, private sector associations, researchers and others to base economic planning, policy design, analysis and beyond upon robust information leading to more effective results and findings. An establishment is defined as an enterprise or (part of) with a constant site that performs one or more economic activities under one administration. The holder of the establishment could be a natural or nominal person, or governmental body.
The 2011 Establishment Census is designed to achieve the following objectives:
a) To produce a comprehensive and updated data profile of all economic activities practiced by establishments operating in Rwanda;
b) To provide detailed tabulations for the establishments' characteristics, e.g. geographical location, number of employees, registration status, legal status, ownership, sector, manager/owner gender;
c) To produce data necessary to classify establishments according to size into Micro, small, middle, large and very large;
d) To lay out the data foundation needed to identify formal and informal economic sectors in Rwanda;
e) To help establishing a Business Register that can be utilized in carrying out future economic sample surveys and creating comprehensive data base and Geographic Information System (GIS) of the business community in Rwanda.
Census/enumeration data [cen]
v01: First Release
This is the first version of the Establishment Census data. It 's an edited and for anonymous public use.
The EC 2011 collected data about: Economic sector, labour employment, capital stock, registration with authorities
Topic | Vocabulary |
Financial Sector | World Bank |
Labor & Social Protection | World Bank |
Private Sector and Trade | World Bank |
National coverage
The lowest level of Geographic aggregation covered by the data is the sector.
All Rwandan establishments from the nationally sampled area. An establishment is defined as an enterprise or (part of) with a constant site that performs one or more economic activities under one administration. The holder of the establishment could be a natural or nominal person, or governmental body. The definition of an establishment used in the 2011 Census does not include:
a) Street Vendors
b) Taxis and Motor drivers
Name | Affiliation |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) | Ministry of Finance and Economics Planning (MINECOFIN) |
Name |
Ministry of Trade and Industry |
Ministry of Public Service and Labour |
Private Sector Federation |
With the aim of avoiding omissions and/or duplications the enumerators followed a rigorous approach in enumerating all establishments in a village. A thorough and systematic canvassing of the whole village was performed by the enumerator before completing the Census questionnaires.
Step 1: In the first working day, the enumerator started with identification of the village boundaries and illustration of a sketch map showing these boundaries. This indicated whether one or two banks of a boundary are included in the village.
Step 2 (Boundaries): Boundaries are then allocated a number, with the first being selected in such a way that the whole village is located on the right hand side (B1 on the Illustrative Diagram of village canvassing). Whilst walking along this boundary, the enumerator lists the establishments along the right bank by entering their serial numbers on the sketch map and on the wall right to the entrance as well as in the Establishment Listing Form of serial numbers, establishment names and establishment addresses. If both banks of the boundary lied in the village, the enumerator returned back on the boundary to count the establishments existing on the other bank of the boundary.
Step 3 (Roads): Once establishments along the boundary are listed, the enumerator enters the first road inside the village from the boundary, counting all establishments on the right bank of this boundary followed by the establishments on the left bank (R1 on the Illustrative Diagram). After counting, listing and locating on the sketch map each of the establishments on the road (R1), the enumerator enters the first branch on the right hand side (R2) following the same process, and then carries the same out for all other branches. When all roads and branches associated with the boundary (B1) are finished, the enumerator continues the process from the next boundary (B2). However attention is paid to the possibility that some of the establishments may have already been counted (for example R3 has already been counted as an associated branch of R1). In the case of a market place that include several establishments, the enumerator need not to locate on the sketch map each and every establishment present in the market, instead writing a range of serial numbers and filling in the listing form for each establishment.
In total, the Establishment Census 2011 enumerated 127,662 establishments. Despite 127,662 establishments being recorded, the majority of the results presented within this report focus on a slightly reduced sample of 123,526 operating establishments (most of the others were permanently closed).
The questionnaire was developed according to the objectives specified in Chapter 1 in English, and then translated into Kinyarwanda. In order to minimise potential problems arising in the field, several tests were performed. Feedback was provided by trainees in the central training centre in Kigali, which was then followed by a formal pre-test (see below). After this, revisions were incorporated into the survey with additional feedback being given by trainees at the local training centres around the country. The final version of the questionnaire was developed in Kinyarwanda and translated back into English
Start | End |
2011-02-08 | 2011-04-03 |
Start date |
2010-12-14 |
Name | Affiliation |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | MINECOFIN |
Census Manager: Being the census implementing agency, NISR appointed one of its senior staff members to be the Census manager with a mandate to supervise and follow up the census execution in all its stages.
Census Coordinators: Two census coordinators were appointed to assist the Census Manager on a full-time basis. One coordinator was responsible for technical issues (Technical Coordinator) and the other for administrative issues (Administrative Coordinator).
Field Supervisors: 10 Field Supervisors were employed for a three month period with the responsibility of supervising implementation of the Census in the field within the areas designated to them. The field supervisors reported directly to the Census Manager. The geographic distribution of field supervisors saw 3 in Kigali City (1 for each district); 2 in the Eastern Province; 1 in the Southern Province; 3 in the Western Province; and 1 in the Northern Province.
A number of stages of training were conducted to different hierarchical levels of the team:
Training of trainers: A two-day training session was administered to field supervisors. The training took place at the PSF premises in Kigali in mid-January 2011. The purpose was to train senior field personnel responsible for the field work in provinces and districts. In addition they would bear the responsibility of conducting local training sessions to train enumerators working in their respective areas. An evaluation test was given to trainees at the end of the session.
Training of enumerators: Five local training centres were set up in all provincial capitals. Field supervisors were responsible for the training following their 'training of trainers' session in mid-January. The training of enumerators followed the pre-test and took place at the end of January/early February 2011. Based on an evaluation test the trainees who obtained higher scores were appointed as field editors.
Training of coders: Most of the Census questions are either self-coded or pre-coded. Only two data items needed coding after data collection, the first item being the administrative identification information and the second being the economic activity. Enumerators were given an administrative coding book pertinent to their work assignment areas and they were requested to insert the administrative codes into the designated coding boxes in the questionnaire. However, due to the importance of accurate and consistent economic activity coding, the Census management decided that this coding be carried out centrally in Kigali by a specially recruited team. The team received training on the coding procedures of the International Standard Industry Classification (ISIC-Ver. 4). The training, held in late February 2011, was attended by nearly 40 people. Several examples and exercises were given to trainees. In addition, as a part of the practical training, trainees were requested to perform economic activity coding to the completed pre-test questionnaires. The results and corrections needed were then discussed with trainees.
Data editing was continuously performed during and after the data entry phase in order to detect out-of-range and/or inconsistent data values. Appropriate actions were taken to introduce necessary corrections or deal with incorrect data. In many cases follow up contacts with the establishments were made in order to verify previously reported data. Upon producing the clean data file, statistical tabulations have been generated and are subsequent chapters present these census tabulations.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | MINECOFIN | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | Standard statement |
Public use
"National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda, Establishment Census 2011 (EC 2011), v01 of the public use dataset (June 2011), provided by the National Data Archive."
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Director General | National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | | |
World Bank Microdata Library | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | MINECOFIN | Documentation of study |
Accelerated Data Program | International Household Survey Network | Review of the metadata |
Version 02 (October 2013). Edited version based on Version 01 (July 2012) DDI that was done by National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda and reviewed by Accelerated Data Program, International Household Survey Network.