Value |
Category |
1 |
Not visited |
2 |
Absent for an extended period |
3 |
Known - Not found |
4 |
To revisit orig HH |
5 |
Terminated |
6 |
Refused |
7 |
No competent member |
8 |
Partially complete |
9 |
Terminated - has card |
10 |
HH not known |
11 |
Absent for a short period |
12 |
Ben error |
13 |
Wrong ben |
14 |
Multi Ben in HH |
15 |
Tracking new HH |
16 |
Complete |
97 |
Other |
99 |
No status |
101 |
HH not known |
102 |
Beyond tracking limits |
103 |
In limits not found |
104 |
HH refused interview |
105 |
No competent member |
106 |
Members passed on |
107 |
Already interviewed |
108 |
To be linked |
109 |
Int twice BL |
110 |
Beneficiary died |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.