Literal question
H10. Status of tenure of the main residential structure:
If owner-occupied, state whether
[] 1 Purchased
[] 2 Constructed
[] 3 Inherited
If rented, state whether
[] 4 Government
[] 5 Local authority
[] 6 Parastatal
[] 7 Private company
[] 8 Individual
[] 9 Other form of tenure
Interviewer instructions
Columns H10 to H17 contain questions pertaining to housing conditions and amenities and are to be asked of the head of the household or any other responsible person.
169. Main residential structure
(a). For census purpose, the structure where most of the household activities (e.g., sleeping, cooking and eating) take place will be defined as the main residential structure.
(b). All the main structures occupied by wives in a polygamous marriage will be listed.
(c). In urban areas all structures occupied on Census Night will be listed.
170. Column H10 seeks information on status of tenure; that is, whether the dwelling unit is owner occupied or rented by the respondent. Ask the question, 'Is this dwelling unit owned or rented by you?' You are supposed to code the answers using the list given (e.g., code '4' will mean that the dwelling unit has been rented to the respondent by government, code '6' will mean a Parastatal body has provided the structure for dwelling purposes to the respondent).
171. 'Owner occupied' includes all of the following:
(a) Purchased
The respondent bought the structure or is in the process of buying the structure and is living in it.
(b) Constructed
The respondent built the structure he/she is living in
(c) Inherited
The respondent received the building by (legal) right of succession or by a will. However, in this case, do not ask for proof. Accept what the respondent says.
172.Under rented are listed:
(a) Government rented
The respondent's employer, the government, is renting the dwelling unit to the respondent.
(b) Local authority
Covers all dwelling units rented by municipal council, city commission, etc.
(c) Parastatal
Covers all dwelling units rented by organizations like Kenya Railways, Kenya Airways, Kenya Power and Lighting Company, University, etc.
(d) Private company
The respondent rents the dwelling unit from a private firm.
(e)Individual rented
The respondent rents the dwelling unit from a landlord.
173. Other form of tenure - include unauthorized dwelling units.