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Population and Housing Census 2009
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National Bureau of Statistics
Created on
Sep 29, 2011
Last modified
Mar 29, 2019
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Abdulsamed, Farah.
Somali investment in Kenya
: Chatham House, 2011.
Abeka O, Silvance.
User Satisfaction and Acceptance of Web Based Marketing Information System among Microfinance Institutions in Nairobi Region, Kenya
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 2, no. 9 (2012): 368-383.
Abraham, Korir Sing'Oei, and Abraham Korir Sing'Oei.
Kenya at 50: Unrealized rights of minorities and indigenous peoples
: Minority Rights Group International, 2012.
Adano, Wario R, Ton Dietz, Karen Witsenburg, and Fred Zaal.
Climate change, violent conflict and local institutions in Kenya’s drylands
Journal of Peace Research 49, no. 1 (2012): 65-80.
Ajuang, Chadwick O, Paul O Abuom, Esna K Bosire, Gabriel O Dida, and Douglas N Anyona.
Determinants of climate change awareness level in upper Nyakach Division, Kisumu County, Kenya
SpringerPlus 5, no. 1 (2016): 1-20.
Akelo, Victor, Sonali Girde, Craig B Borkowf, Frank Angira, Kevin Achola, Richard Lando, Lisa A Mills, Timothy K Thomas, and Shirley Lee Lecher.
Attitudes toward family planning among HIV-positive pregnant women enrolled in a prevention of mother-to-child transmission study in Kisumu, Kenya
PloS one 8, no. 8 (2013): 1-9.
Amunga, Hellen Agnes.
Information literacy in the 21st century universities: The Kenyan experience
8 th International CALIBER .
Asoka, Gilbert W, MM Bunyasi, and ADM Thuo.
Effects of Population Growth on Urban Infrastructure and Services: A Case of Eastleigh Neighborhood Nairobi, Kenya
Journal of Anthropology & Archaeology 1, no. 1 (2013): 41-56.
Ayah, Richard, Mark D Joshi, Rosemary Wanjiru, Elijah K Njau, Fredrick C Otieno, Erastus K Njeru, and Kenneth K Mutai.
A population-based survey of prevalence of diabetes and correlates in an urban slum community in Nairobi, Kenya
BMC Public Health 13, no. 1 (2013): 371.
Binale, Aidah.
Umande Trust Bio-Centre Approach in Slum Upgrading
(2011) Les cahiers d'Afrique de l'est.
Breitnauer, Brooke T, Okeoma Mmeje, Betty Njoroge, Lynae A Darbes, Anna Leddy, and Joelle Brown.
Community perceptions of childbearing and use of safer conception strategies among HIV-discordant couples in Kisumu, Kenya
Journal of the International AIDS Society 18, no. 1 (2015).
Camlin, Carol S, Zachary A Kwena, Shari L Dworkin, Craig R Cohen, and Elizabeth A Bukusi.
“She mixes her business”: HIV transmission and acquisition risks among female migrants in western Kenya
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Local gender contract and adaptive capacity in smallholder irrigation farming: a case study from the Kenyan drylands
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Carr-Hill, Roy.
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(2013) World Development.
Caruso, Bethany A, Matthew C Freeman, Joshua V Garn, Robert Dreibelbis, Shadi Saboori, Richard Muga, and Richard Rheingans.
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Claessens, L, JM Antle, JJ Stoorvogel, RO Valdivia, PK Thornton, and M Herrero.
A method for evaluating climate change adaptation strategies for small-scale farmers using survey, experimental and modeled data
(2012) Agricultural Systems.
De Groote, Hugo, Michael D Hall, David J Spielman, Stephen N Mugo, Kwaw Andam, Bernard G Munyua, and Marianne Banziger.
Options for pro-poor maize seed market segmentation in Kenya
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Eshitera, Eric E, Samuel M Githigia, Philip Kitala, Lian F Thomas, Eric M Fevre, Leslie JS Harrison, Evalyn W Mwihia, Richard O Otieno, Fred Ojiambo, and Ndichu Maingi.
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Feikin, Daniel R, Kariuki M Njenga, Godfrey Bigogo, Barrack Aura, George Aol, Allan Audi, Geoffrey Jagero, Peter Ochieng Muluare, Stella Gikunju, Leonard Nderitu, and others.
Etiology and Incidence of viral and bacterial acute respiratory illness among older children and adults in rural western Kenya, 2007-2010
PloS one 7, no. 8 (2012).
Fotso, Jean Christophe, John Cleland, Blessing Mberu, Michael Mutua, and Patricia Elungata.
Birth spacing and child mortality: an analysis of prospective data from the Nairobi urban health and demographic surveillance system
Journal of biosocial science 45, no. 06 (2013): 779-798.
Githuka, George, Wolfgang Hladik, Samuel Mwalili, Peter Cherutich, Mercy Muthui, Joshua Gitonga, William K Maina, Andrea A Kim, and KAIS Study Group.
Populations at increased risk for HIV infection in Kenya: results from a national population-based household survey, 2012
(2014) JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes.
Gore-Langton, Georgia R, James Mungai, Nfornuh Alenwi, Abdulla Abagira, Owen M Bicknell, Rebecca Harrison, Farah A Hassan, Stephen Munga, Francis Njoroge, Elizabeth Juma, and others.
Investigating the acceptability of non-mesh, long-lasting insecticidal nets amongst nomadic communities in Garissa County, Kenya using a prospective, longitudinal study design and cross-sectional household surveys
Malaria journal 14, no. 1 (2015): 1.
Greiner, Clemens, Miguel Alvarez, and Mathias Becker.
From Cattle to Corn: Attributes of Emerging Farming Systems of Former Pastoral Nomads in East Pokot, Kenya
Society & Natural Resources 26, no. 12 (2013): 1478-1490.
Gunlycke, Naemi, and Anja Tuomaala.
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Hall, Andrew, Moragwa Oirere, Susan Thurstans, Assumpta Ndumi, and Victoria Sibson.
The practical challenges of evaluating a blanket emergency feeding programme in northern Kenya
PloS one 6, no. 10 (2011).
Herman-Roloff, Amy, Nixon Otieno, Kawango Agot, Jeckoniah Ndinya-Achola, and Robert C Bailey.
Acceptability of medical male circumcision among uncircumcised men in Kenya one year after the launch of the national male circumcision program
PLoS One 6, no. 5 (2011).
Kaduka, Lydia U, Yeri Kombe, Eucharia Kenya, Elizabeth Kuria, John K Bore, Zipporah N Bukania, and Moses Mwangi.
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among an urban population in Kenya
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Kagira, John Maina, Paul Njuki Kanyari, Samuel Maina Githigia, Ndicho Maingi, James Chege Nganga, and John Mwangi Gachohi.
Risk factors associated with occurrence of nematodes in free range pigs in Busia District, Kenya
Tropical animal health and production 44, no. 3 (2011): 657-664.
Kaingu, Catherine Kaluwa, Jemimah Achieng Oduma, and Titus I Kanui.
Practices of traditional birth attendants in Machakos District, Kenya
Journal of ethnopharmacology 137, no. 1 (2011): 495-502.
Karanja, Peter, and Henry M Bwisa.
Factors that influence entrepreneurial success among women groups: A Case study of Makuyu Division
International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences 2, no. 1 (2013): 33-46.
Kieti, Damiannah M, and Kennedy O Magio.
The ethical and local resident perspectives of slum tourism in Kenya
Advances in Hospitality and Tourism Research 1, no. 1 (2013): 37-57.
Kihiu, Evelyne Nyathira.
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Kimani, Kahaki, Robert Lindfield, Laura Senyonjo, Alex Mwaniki, and Elena Schmidt.
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Kimani, James K, Remare Ettarh, Catherine Kyobutungi, Blessing Mberu, and Kanyiva Muindi.
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BMC health services research 12, no. 1 (2012): 66.
Kindiki, Moses Mpuria.
International regime governance and apparel labour upgrading in export processing zones in urban Kenya
African Review of Economics and Finance 3, no. 1 (2011): 26-40.
Kinyuru, John N, Silvenus O Konyole, Glaston M Kenji, Christine A Onyango, Victor O Owino, Bethwell O Owuor, Benson B Estambale, Henrik Friis, and Nanna Roos.
Identification of traditional foods with public health potential for complementary feeding in western Kenya
Journal of Food Research 1, no. 2 (2012): p148.
Kosgeya, IS, GJ Rowlandsc, JAM Arendonkb, and RL Bakerc.
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Koyio, Lucina N, Wil JM Sanden, Andre Ven, Jan Mulder, Nico HJ Creugers, Matthias AW Merkx, and Jo E Frencken.
A community-based oral health promotion model for HIV patients in Nairobi, East District in Kenya: a study protocol
Journal of public health research 2, no. 1 (2013): 22-28.
Kuria, SG, IA Tura, S Amboga, and HK Walaga.
Forage species preferred by camels (Camelus dromedarius) and their nutritional composition in North Eastern Kenya
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Leauthaud, Crystele, Stephanie Duvail, Olivier Hamerlynck, Jean-Luc Paul, Hubert Cochet, Judith Nyunja, Jean Albergel, and Olivier Grunberger.
Floods and livelihoods: The impact of changing water resources on wetland agro-ecological production systems in the Tana River Delta, Kenya
Global Environmental Change 23, no. 1 (2012): 252-263.
Lund, Crick, Milka Waruguru, Joyce Kingori, Sarah Kippen-Wood, Erica Breuer, Saju Mannarath, and Shoba Raja.
Outcomes of the mental health and development model in rural Kenya: a 2-year prospective cohort intervention study
International Health 5, no. 1 (2013): 43-50.
Lynch, Gabrielle.
Electing the ‘alliance of the accused’: the success of the Jubilee Alliance in Kenya's Rift Valley
Journal of Eastern African Studies 8, no. 1 (2013): 93-114.
Macintyre, Kate, Katherine Andrinopoulos, Natome Moses, Marta Bornstein, Athanasius Ochieng, Erin Peacock, and Jane Bertrand.
Attitudes, perceptions and potential uptake of male circumcision among older men in Turkana County, Kenya using qualitative methods
(2014) PLOS one.
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Tit-For-Tat: Kenya, Somalia, and the Resurgence of al-Shabaab
Small Wars Journal 29, no. 12 (2013): 47pm.
Marseille, Elliot, James G Kahn, Sharone Beatty, Moguche Jared, and Paul Perchal.
Adult male circumcision in Nyanza, Kenya at scale: the cost and efficiency of alternative service delivery modes
BMC health services research 14, no. 1 (2014): 31.
Masinde, Muthoni, and Antoine Bagula.
ITIKI: bridge between African indigenous knowledge and modern science of drought prediction
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Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies and Development
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Mathenge, Wanjiku, Andrew Bastawrous, Tunde Peto, Irene Leung, Allen Foster, and Hannah Kuper.
Prevalence of age-related macular degeneration in Nakuru, Kenya: a cross-sectional population-based study
(2013) PLOS Medicine.
Mbau S, Judith.
Land use and land cover changes and their implications for human-wildlife conflicts in the semi-arid range lands of southern Kenya
(2013) Journal of Geography and Regional Planning.
Mbiba, Beacon.
Urban solid waste characteristics and household appetite for separation at source in Eastern and Southern Africa
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Michelson, Hope C, Erin Lentz, Rich Mulwa, Mitchell Morey, Laura Cramer, Megan E McGlinchy, and Christopher B Barrett.
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Morawetz, Ulrich B, Hugo De Groote, and Simon Chege Kimenju.
Improving the use of experimental auctions in Africa: Theory and evidence
(2011) Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics.
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Muia, JMK, JN Kariuki, PN Mbugua, CK Gachuiri, LB Lukibisi, WO Ayako, and WV Ngunjiri.
Smallholder dairy production in high altitude Nyandarua milk-shed in Kenya: Status, challenges and opportunities
Livestock Res. Rural Dev 23, no. 5 (2011).
Mutave James, Regina, Loice W Gathece, and Arthur M Kemoli.
Association of fever and diarrhea with infant teething among mothers attending two health centres in Nairobi
Journal of the Kenya Dental Association 6, no. 2 (2015): 265-272.
Mutisya, Emmanuel, and Masaru Yarime.
Understanding the grassroots dynamics of slums in Nairobi: The dilemma of Kibera informal settlements
International Transaction Journal of Engineering, Management, & Applied Sciences & Technologies 2, no. 2 (2011): 197-213.
Mutua, FK, CE Dewey, SM Arimi, WO Ogara, SM Githigia, M Levy, and E Schelling.
Indigenous pig management practices in rural villages of Western Kenya
Livestock Research for Rural Development 23, no. 7 (2011).
Mutua, FK, CE Dewey, SM Arimi, E Schelling, WO Ogara, and M Levy.
Reproductive performance of sows in rural communities of Busia and Kakamega Districts, Western Kenya
African Journal of Agricultural Research 6, no. 31 (2011): 6485-6491.
Mutua, Florence Kanini, Catherine Dewey, Samuel Arimi, Wiliam Ogara, Mike Levy, and Esther Schelling.
A description of local pig feeding systems in village smallholder farms of Western Kenya
Tropical animal health and production 44, no. 6 (2012): 1157-1162.
Mutuku, Francis M, Maureen Khambira, Donal Bisanzio, Peter Mungai, Isaac Mwanzo, Eric M Muchiri, Charles H King, and Uriel Kitron.
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Technology Adoption and the Banking Agency in Rural Kenya
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Odongo, Nicanor Obiero, Peter Obimbo Lamuka, George Ooko Abong, Joseph Wafula Matofari, and Khalif Abdirahman Abey.
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Making Justice Work for Women: Kenya Country Report
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The impact of population change on Economic growth in Kenya
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An analysis of the clinical practice of emergency medicine in public emergency departments in Kenya
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Wakaba, Mabel, Patrick Mbindyo, Jacob Ochieng, Rose Kiriinya, Jim Todd, Agnes Waudo, Abdisalan Noor, Chris Rakuom, Martha Rogers, and Mike English.
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Yego, Faith, Jennifer Stewart Williams, Julie Byles, Paul Nyongesa, Wilson Aruasa, and Catherine D’Este.
A retrospective analysis of maternal and neonatal mortality at a teaching and referral hospital in Kenya
Reproductive health 10, no. 1 (2013): 13.
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