National Agricultural Survey 2008
Name | Country code |
Rwanda | RWA |
Agricultural Survey [ag/oth]
The agricultural sector employs nearly 80% of the working population and is characterized by low productivity and low economic value. Almost 90% of households in Rwanda practice a traditional subsistence agriculture which is mainly carried on narrow plots of land and exhausted by a continuous utilization. The National Agricultural Survey 2008 (NAS 2008) was designed to provide a picture with reliable and updated agriculture sector figures, in order to serve as a baseline based on the facts and to set up development strategies that are most appropriate for the rural sector.
Sample survey data [ssd]
The unit of analysis was the holding of the agricultural household
The survey covers all rural areas of the country and some areas of Kigali city concerned by the agropastoral activities. The survey was conducted during the two agricultural seasons 2008A and 2008B which cover virtually the entire agricultural year. The same sample of households was visited during each growing season.
Name |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda |
The survey covers all rural areas of the country and some areas of Kigali city concerned by the agropastoral activities. The survey was conducted during the two agricultural seasons 2008A and 2008B which cover virtually the entire agricultural year. The same sample of households was visited during each growing season.
The data for developing the sampling plan of the National Agricultural Survey 2008 come from the RGPH 2002 mapping and census results. The agricultural module that was administered to all households helped to identify agricultural households. Information extracted from this module was used to develop a sample frame for the National Agricultural Survey. To select the primary sampling units (PSU), the number of agricultural households identified in RPGH 2002 was used as a measure of the size of the enumeration area (EA). For detailed information on the sampling process, refer to the survey report provided as an external resource.
The basic weight for each sample agricultural household was equal to the inverse of its probability of selection. This probability was obtained by multiplying the probabilities at each stage of selection.
Start | End |
2008 | 2008 |
Regarding supervision of data collection, a statistician appointed in each district by NISR assumed the role of coordinator of field activities. For this, all the statisticians received transport facilitation from NISR with a vehicle for monitoring during at least 7 days per month per district. District statisticians and survey controllers at district level also received monthly telephone cards worth 20,000 RWF in order to maintain contact with field workers.
Data collection was done using questionnaire sheets which were filled by enumerators according to a harmonized calendar in all selected EAs. Each enumerator had to work in two EAs and visit 12 households per EA, i.e 24 households per enumerator. Through the questionnaire sheets, it was possible to collect a large quantity of figures that made it possible to measure several indicators related to farming and livestock breeding within sample households. To fill questionnaire sheets, it was necessary to visit each sample households several times.
For data entry operations, a computer program was developed using a CSPro statistical software application with a questionnaire on each sheet. A training session was organized on this data entry program and on the nature and extent of work to do. In total, this operation mobilized 184 data entry clerks, 10 controllers, 3 checkers, 3 supervisors of coding and 92 computers. Data entry was done in two steps:
Data entry of the 2008A season (from June to July 2008): The preparation of this step consisted of checking completed forms and returning to site in case of improperly completed sheets, for correction. From 23/06/08 to 12/07/08, three field supervisors skilled in surveys conducted a mission at the headquarters of the NISR in order to help in organizing, supervising and coaching data entry clerks. They played the role of controllers and checkers of coding during the data entry period.
Data entry of the 2008B season (from September to November 2008): As it was not possible to return to field records improperly completed during the 2008B season at the end of the field work, special instruction was given to field workers to undertake collectively a verification and correction of errors in questionnaires before delivering them to the headquarters of NISR. This instruction was observed by all fieldworkers. Subsequently, the data entry was done with the support of the same controllers and checkers of coding.
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda. National Agricultural Survey (NAS) 2008. Ref. RWA_2008_NAS_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [url] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | URL |
National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the DDI |
Version 01 (February 2014)