Interviewer instructions
1.4. Housing
This second part is devoted to housing, and aims at listing all housing units for the households at time of the census, at gathering information on building characteristics, and to obtain indicators on the conditions in which the population is housed.
5. Column H19: Main floor materials
In this section, one has to describe the floor of the selected building. The possible cases selected are:
[] 1 Cement
[] 2 Tiles
[] 3 Earth
[] 4 Other material
One will consider as "Cement" or "Tiles" all floors in hard material: cement, concrete, floor tiles, stone, etc.
Always observe by yourself the floor of the building, otherwise ask the question to the household head: "What are the floor materials?" Then circle the answer corresponding to the designated case.
Example 1: The building to be described is a round hut, of which the floor is nevertheless made of cement. Then one must circle number (1): Cement.
Example 2: The building to be described is a tent, a boat, a pirogue, etc. In this case, the number (4) "Other material" must be circled.
This question also applies to institutional households. The private households who are housed in the same yard as an institutional household are to be considered separately.