Value |
Category |
Accountant |
Administrative commercial employee |
Administrative employee |
Administrator |
Administrator for law bussines |
Administrator for planing, budget and control |
Administrator of accountancy |
Administrator of accountancy(finances) |
Administrator of commercial service |
Administrator of common and economic business |
Administrator of common attendance |
Administrator of economic and finance business |
Administrator of finances |
Administrator of marketing attendance |
Administrator services for commonly law and personnel business |
Association secretary |
Authorised negotiator |
Bookkeeper |
Bookkeeper-boss of bookkeeping service |
Boss |
Boss of accountancy |
Boss of accountancy and managment |
Boss of accountancy(administrator) |
Boss of business unit |
Boss of finances |
Boss of manufacturing |
Boss of retail sale |
Boss of technical preparations. |
Commercial administrator |
Commercial manager |
Commercialist |
Company manager |
Construction engeneer on introduction of construction documents. |
Deputy finance manager and quality manager |
Deputy manager |
Deputy manager- finance employee |
Economic commercialist |
Economist |
Economist-administrator |
Employee in finances |
Establisher-association manager |
Executive manager |
Executive manager for comercial, economic and personnel business |
Executive manager for economy and finances |
Executive manager of economic and finance business |
Finance accountant |
Finance administrator |
Finance and accountancy boss |
Finance manager |
Finance operater-Boss of accountancy |
Finance referent |
Finance-commercial manager |
General agent |
General manager |
General manager (manager) |
General manager - administration president |
General manager and administration president |
General manager-owner |
Graduated in law |
Graduated in law-administrator of law attendance |
Head of commercial department |
Headman manufacture |
Human resources manager |
Investment manager |
Law administrator |
Lawyer |
Leader of business centre |
Leader of business office Violeta |
Leader of department III in finances |
Main manager |
Manager |
Manager and owner |
Manager for commercial business assistant |
Manager for finances assistant |
Manager of business office Tuzla |
Manager-Executive manager |
Manager-general manager |
Manager-general manager and owner |
Manager-owner |
Manager-part owner |
Manufacture manager |
Marketing administrator |
Marketing manager |
Merchant (part owner¨s wife) |
Owner |
Owner and manager |
Owner- manager |
Owner-manager |
Owner-undertaker |
Owners wife |
Part owner and deputy manager |
Part owner of company |
Part owner. |
Planning boss |
Procureman |
Referent for general business |
Sale boss |
Sale manager |
Store headman |
Supply boss |
Technical manager |
Technical secretary |
Technologist |
executant manager |
part-owner |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.