Value |
Category |
Anstralian |
Australia |
Austrlia |
Belgium |
Brajie |
Burma |
Canada |
Chile |
Corea |
Cuba |
Du Bai |
East and South Asia |
England |
Eouador |
Europe |
Filipine |
Filipino |
Finland |
France |
Frane |
French |
German |
Germany |
Herland |
Holland |
Hong Kong |
HongKong |
Hongkong |
Hungary |
India |
Italy |
J.P. |
Janpan |
Japan |
Korea |
Libya |
Macao |
Malaysia |
Mexico |
Netherlands |
New Zealand |
New zeland |
Pakistam |
Pakistan |
Poland |
Repubic of korea |
Singapor |
Singapore |
South Africa |
Southeast |
Southeast asia |
Southeastern Asia |
Spain |
Sudan |
Switzerland |
Tai Wan |
Taiwan |
Thailand |
Tunis |
Turkey |
U.S.A |
U.S.S.R |
Viet Nam |
Vietnam |
Wenst bengal |
belgium |
deruvian |
france |
holand |
hongkong |
india |
janpan |
korea |
malaysia |
middle east |
new zealand |
philippines |
sing apore |
singapore |
singarpore |
singspore |
thailand |
the Middle East |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.