Literal question
Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.
[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]
7. Work activity
[Questions 7.1 to 7.12 were asked of those who worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker.]
To answer questions from 7.1 to 7.12, refer to the main work activities (activities where the greater number of hours were worked)
7.8 Indicate the type of work contract
[Question 7.8 was asked of those who worked as employee or other subordinate position, entrepreneur, professional, or own-account worker, and the person has a job for a defined time period]
[] 1 Work and training contract
[] 2 Apprentice contract
[] 3 Interim contract
[] 4 Other
Interviewer instructions
7. Work activity
Answer question 7.1 and question 7.12 by referring to the main job carried out during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001).
The term main work activities refers to the job where the greatest number of working hours was employed.
Employed persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), did not work because they were on vacation, illness, on income support, on leave of absence etc., must refer to the main job usually performed.
Persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), changed job must refer to their new job carried out at the end of that week.
Question 7.8
Work and training contract: a subordinate work agreement, entered into for an established period of time, that provides a mixture or training and work and where the employer must professionally train the persons hired. The duration may vary from 12 to 36 months.
Apprentice contract: a work agreement that entails a mixture of training and work, where the employer must transmit to the apprentice his knowledge and sufficient technical/manual capability to enable him to become a qualified worker. The duration of an apprentice contract may vary from a minimum of 18 months to a maximum of 4 years (5 years for artisans).
Interim: a contract by which a company that provides temporary work, makes one or more workers available to a certain company who utilizes their services to satisfy temporary requirements. This is trilateral relationship between the worker, the temporary work agency and the company utilizing the services.
The "Other" category includes all definite work contracts not specified above like, for example: socially useful work/work of public utility, work scholarships, professional introduction plans, stages or paid apprenticeship, paid traineeship, work at home for firms (paid by job), intermittent services, occasional services (laborers, day workers, etc.), other definite work contracts (e.g. seasonal workers, as per article 23 of the Decree of the President of the Republic No. 171 /91).