Literal question
Part B: Persons(s) present in household continued? (For persons age 10 years and above)
[Applies to questions 11-63]
11. Main job previous week
(If options 1-5 go to Col. 14, and if options 6 or 7 go to next person)
[] 1 Worked for pay
[] 2 Got job but did not work
[] 3 Worked for profit
[] 4 On attachment but didn't work
[] 5 Apprenticeship
[] 6 Kept home
[] 7 Went to school
[] 8 Did nothing
19. Hours of work per week _ _
25. Hours of work per week _ _
Check: if Col. 19 + Col. 25 is 40 hours or more, go to col. 27, else [continue]
26. If you are given extra hours will you do it?
[] 1 Yes, voluntary
[] 2 No, involuntary
Interviewer instructions
Col. 26: Extra Hour:
If somebody is working for less than 40hrs in the combination of both primary ( main ) job and secondary occupation, ask whether she/he will do extra hours if given the opportunity and shade appropriately.