Literal question
Column 15 - Kind of business/industry. (Specify, e.g., palay farm, public school, etc.)
Interviewer instructions
The work reported in column 13 should be classified according to the kind of business or industry. Politely ask the respondent to give you a very specific description of the nature of work or the kind of business or industry such as palay farm, deep sea fishing using commercial boat, sari-sari store, leather shoe factory, elementary school, etc.
If the answer is vague or is not specific, get a clarification from the respondent by asking such questions as:
- What kind of retail store is this?
- Does the shoe factory manufacture leather or rubber shoes?
- Does the firm sell or repair radios?
- Did ___wash clothes at a laundry shop or in own home?
Do not be satisfied with answers like firm names such as Soriano & Co., LM Enterprise, etc., since they do not necessarily describe the business or activity. Probe and try to elicit from the respondent information about the kind of product (if a manufacturing firm) or the kind of service that the company is engaged in.
Moreover, if work is pursued in a big company that is engaged in several types of activities, report the nature of the particular activity of that company in which the person is working.
If work is for a government office or institution, the name of the office, bureau, public school, etc. may be accepted. If work is for the executive branch of a local government, indicate whether provincial, city or municipal government.
Question post text
Go to column 16. Column 16 is for the code of the kind of business or industry and will be filled up as part of office processing.