Literal question
A. Questions to be asked to all members of the household
[Questions 1-14.]
P12. Religion
What is the religion of ____?
Circle the code corresponding to the abbreviations copied at the bottom of the page, according to the declaration of the interviewee.
[] 1. CAT = Catholic
[] 2. PRO = Protestant
[] 3. ADV = Adventist
[] 4. TEV = Jehovah witness
[] 5. ARC = Other Christian religion
[] 6. MUS = Muslim
[] 7. TRA = Traditional religion/Animist
[] 8. AUT = Other religion
[] 9. SANS = No religion
Interviewer instructions
P12: Religion
The census enumerator will ask the religion to each adult member living in the household. With respect to children under 12-years of age, the religion kept will be that of the parents, unless the latter decides otherwise.
If the parents belong to different religions, it is necessary to ask them about the religion of each of the children. The answers are taken without further discussion. When a person refuses to answer the question, the census enumerator will not discuss the case, and will circle the number "9".