Literal question
D. Population aged 12 years or more
[Questions P26-P30.]
Females only (Women aged 12 years or more)
[Questions P27-P30.]
Own births in past 12 months
[Questions P29-P30.]
P30. Surviving children
Among the children born alive in past 12 months to ____, how many are still alive?
Specify in the appropriate boxes the number of boys still alive and the number of girls still alive, according to the declaration of the interviewee.
If no child is alive, write 00 in these boxes
_ _ M [boys]
_ _ F [girls]
Interviewer instructions
D. Questionnaire designed for persons 12 years old or more
Questions asked to persons of the female sex, of at least 12 years of age (P27 to P30)
The questions going from P27 to P30 aim at knowing:
The fertility of Rwandese women, that is their number of children ever born (P27).
The number of children surviving, that is who are still living (P28).
The number of children born alive during the past 12 months, either still alive or already deceased (P29 and P30).
1. For female children aged less than 12 years, as for all persons of the male sex, the census enumerator will not write anything in P27, P28, P29 and P30.
2. These questions will be asked to all concerned persons in all discretion and privacy.
3. In order to ensure that all questions were asked, it is necessary to fill in the appropriate boxes with zeros "00" if the interviewed person never had any child.
P30: Survivors among children born alive over the past 12 months
The census enumerator will ask the woman (or the single mother) aged at least 12 years, those still alive among the children borne to her over the past 12 months. One will write the number of boys still alive among those born over the past 12 months in column P30M.
Likewise for the number of girls will be written in column P30F. If the woman did not have any child born alive during this period, one will write zero "0" in the appropriate boxes.
The number of children surviving (P30) must be equal or smaller than that of children born alive during the past 12 months (P29)