Question pretext
Interviewer Say: "I am interested in learning about the things that [CHILD] plays with when he is at home. Say to the mother /caretaker: I want to know about the toys that [child] plays with at home. The toys may be home-made (like clay toys, dolls made of cloths, etc.), household materials (like pots and pans, crockeries, pillow, school bag, mobile phone etc.), bought toys, children books/ picture books (can be bought/received from school or someone free of charge) and the child should have access to play with at home during the last month.
Can you please bring me all toys that your child plays with?
Literal question
K. Play materials
K001. In the past 30 days, has [CHILD] played with toys that make or play music (e.g. Instrument, stuffed animals that play melodies or any other toy that make noise, but it should be given to child to play)?
Question post text
That makes music like make sound / music, not just noise for example e.g. instruments such as drum, piano, harmonica flute, harmonium, jory, etc.