Value |
Category |
0 |
skip |
1 |
Immunization/vaccination |
2 |
Growth monitoring |
3 |
Pregnancy care |
4 |
Counseling on breastfeeding |
5 |
Counseling on complementary feeding |
6 |
Counseling on hygienic handling of complementary foods |
7 |
Providing iron tablets to adolescent girls |
8 |
Providing iron tablets/syrup to children aged 6 months to 2 years |
9 |
Providing Take Home Rations |
10 |
Providing vitamin A dose |
11 |
Providing ORS |
12 |
Counseling on severe acute malnutrition management |
13 |
Providing deworming syrup/tablets |
14 |
Counseling on malaria management and prevention |
15 |
Family planning counseling/contraceptives |
16 |
Referral to Pushtikor Diwas |
17 |
Newborn care |
18 |
Ladli Lakshmi scheme |
19 |
Information on pre-school education sessions for children aged 3-6 years |
20 |
Information on early child care and development and development or growth milestones |
21 |
None/not needed |
88 |
Other (specify:) |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.