Systematic Regularization of Land in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas 2013
Name | Country code |
Lesotho | LSO |
Independent Impact Evaluation
Michigan State University was assigned to design the impact evaluation (IE) of the Land Administration Reform Project (LARP) funded under the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA)-Lesotho compact. The impact evaluation is designed to test the following key economic hypotheses. It is hypothesized that land with formally recognized titles will result in:
The purpose of the rigorous IE design is to measure and monitor these hypothesized impacts and assess the causality in effects outlined in the impact pathway. The IE design is based on a difference-in-difference (DiD) analytical framework requiring the collection and analysis of baseline and end line data from treatment and control areas. Data towards the baseline assessment were collected by T&T Geomatics and MASAZI Development Associates (referred hereafter as the ‘survey firm’) from March to June 2013 and final data sets and data documentation were submitted to MCA on September 27, 2013. This documentation describes the variables created by Michigan State University based on the data files submitted by the survey firm to generate variables used for descriptive data analysis reflected in the Baseline Report. The explanation of how variables are generated based on original data is found in the difinition of the variable in the variable list. "Missing" values reported in the variable list correspond to "no response", "don't know" or "not applicable" in the original data files. The original data had duplicated observation and other issues. How these issues were addressed is described in Annex A, which is included as a separate attachment to this meta data.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Anonymized dataset for public distribution
The survey covered the following village/sub-villages in MMC1, MMC2, MMC3 and MMC27 in Maseru city:
MMC # Village name Group Name of the cluster (sub-village) Cluster code
MMC01 Boiketlo Treatment Boiketlo 101
MMC01 Kuroane Treatment Kuroane 102
MMC01 Le-coop Treatment Le-coop 103
MMC01 Pecha Treatment Pecha 104
MMC01 Phomolong Treatment Phomolong 1 105
MMC01 Phomolong Treatment Phomolong 2 106
MMC01 Rasetimala Treatment Rasetimela 1 107
MMC01 Rasetimala Treatment Rasetimela 2 108
MMC01 Selakhapane Treatment Selakhapane 109
MMC01 Thoteng-Khubetsoana Treatment Thoteng-Khubetsoana 110
MMC01 Bochabela I Treatment Bochabela I 111
MMC01 Bochabela I Treatment Bochabela II 112
MMC01 Bochabela II Treatment Bochabela III 113
MMC02 Bochabela IV Treatment Bochabela IV 201
MMC02 Lifelekoaneng-Mabote Treatment Lifelekoaneng-Mabote 202
MMC02 Mapaleng-Mabote Treatment Mapaleng-Mabote 203
MMC02 Maqalika Treatment Maqalika 204
MMC02 Phahameng-Khubetsoana Treatment Phahameng-Khubetsoana 205
MMC02 Phpoletsa-Mabote Treatment Phpoletsa-Mabote 206
MMC02 Rural Treatment Rural 207
MMC02 Sebaboleng Treatment Sebaboleng 208
MMC02 Taung-Mabote Treatment Taung Mabote 209
MMC02 Thoteng-Mabote Treatment Thoteng-Mabote 1 210
MMC02 Thoteng-Mabote Treatment Thoteng-Mabote 2 211
MMC03 Tsosane (part not regularized) Treatment Tsosane (not reg) 1 301
MMC03 Tsosane (part not regularized) Treatment Tsosane (not reg) 2 302
MMC03 Naleli-Tsosane Treatment Naleli-Tsosane 1 303
MMC03 Naleli-Tsosane Treatment Naleli-Tsosane 2 304
MMC27 Ha Foso Control Ha Foso 1 2701
MMC27 Ha Foso Control Ha Foso 2 2702
MMC27 Ikheteleng Control Ikhetelong 1 2703
MMC27 Ikheteleng Control Ikhetelong 2 2704
MMC27 Ikheteleng Control Ikhetelong 3 2705
MMC27 Khopane Control Khopane 2706
MMC27 Koalabata Control Koalabata 1 2707
MMC27 Koalabata Control Koalabata 2 2708
MMC27 Koalabata Control Koalabata 3 2709
MMC27 Koalabata Control Koalabata 4 2710
MMC27 Marabeng Control Marabeng 2711
MMC27 Sekhutlong Control Sekhutlong 2712
Households in the 22 treatment villages
Name |
Michigan State University |
Name |
Millennium Challenge Corporation |
Millennium Challenge Account Lesotho |
In the first step, the 22 treatment villages identified were divided into 28 clusters (or sub-villages) and the 6 control villages were divided into 12 clusters (or sub-villages) such that each cluster had at least 100 households and belonged to only one village. In other words, big villages were sub-divided into smaller clusters (or sub-villages) for sampling purpose. Each of these villages or sub-villages were considered as units of intervention for the IE design (and statistics analysis). Based on the village boundaries identified in the field (with the help from the LARP Project Implementing Unit), and using the GPS coordinates of this boundary and superimposing it on the satellite imagery of the MMC map that shows the density of land parcels with structures (i.e., roof outlines), the 40 sub-villages were mapped.
In step two, 45 households from each cluster were randomly selected. To aid in this selection process, a GIS based method of 'listing' was undertaken. This involved using orthophotos to pre-vectorize land parcels (which were provided by COWI, the project implementer) and using them to produce GIS maps for sample selection. This method was used to randomly select the required numbers of households (and replacement households) in each cluster across all MMCs.
In step three, to augment the number of parcels in the survey that are used for commercial purposes, a field based listing exercise was undertaken to identify all the parcels in each cluster where some kind of commercial activities would be taking place. An average of about 4-6 additional parcels per cluster that were identified as commercial plots (but were not part of the sample selection based on the GIS method) were randomly selected to increase the number of observations for commercial parcels.
For the purpose of this IE, in both steps 2 and 3 of sample selection, the sampling frame was defined as "households that have land parcels that belong to them in the same village where they are being interviewed, and for which they have not yet obtained any Lease. The land parcel could be either occupied by the HH or rented to others for housing or commercial purpose." However, as reported in the results section, 276 parcels inventoried using the GIS based sampling frame already had Lease. To establish the baseline, parcels with a Lease are excluded from all the plot level analysis included in the baseline report.
The sample weight variable used in the baseline report analysis was created by the survey firm and sourced from the original data file. Sampling weights were computed in order to adjust for the overall sample figures in relation to the population scale, to correct imbalances in sampling ratios from one group to another due to non-response in the samples. The weights were calculated as a factor of the population per cluster (Ni) and the sample size (ni) per cluster i.e Ni/ni where i is the ith cluster.
The questionnaire included more than 25 sections encompassing modules on:
· Household characteristics (demographic information by each member of the HH)
· Employment and sources of any other cash transfers
· Identification and list of all the parcels
· Information on Parcel Acquisition, Documents and Land Value
· Land conflicts
· Rights to the land and perceptions of the risk
· Parcels rented out, rented in
· Characteristics of parcels
· Investments on land
· Perceptions about Lease, renting land, the land law, women's rights and LAA
· Ownership of Assets
· Expenditures
· Credit in the last 12 months
· Consumption
· Woman module
Start | End | Cycle |
2013-03 | 2013-06 | Baseline |
Name |
T&T Geomatics |
MASAZI Development Associates |
The evaluation is based on household level surveys that included interviewing the head of the household based on a detailed instrument which was translated into Sesotho. The survey has detailed sections for each of the outcomes to be evaluated, both intermediate and final outcomes, and some monitoring and evaluation (M&E) indicators to be monitored.
The questionnaire included more than 25 sections encompassing modules on:
· Household characteristics (demographic information by each member of the HH)
· Employment and sources of any other cash transfers
· Identification and list of all the parcels
· Information on Parcel Acquisition, Documents and Land Value
· Land conflicts
· Rights to the land and perceptions of the risk
· Parcels rented out, rented in
· Characteristics of parcels
· Investments on land
· Perceptions about Lease, renting land, the land law, women's rights and LAA
· Ownership of Assets
· Expenditures
· Credit in the last 12 months
· Consumption
· Woman module
In addition, each of the survey households was geo-referenced for ease of locating the household for a follow-up survey. A separate module targeted towards women was administered separately with the women head of the family. The survey was translated and administered in Sesotho, and was designed to take between 1 ½ to 2 hours to complete. Copies of the survey instruments are available upon request.
The baseline survey was implemented in the selected villages from March to June 2013. The number of households surveyed in treatment and control MMCs across all the clusters was 1826. However, the data set that MSU received has many gaps and non-responses to several questions. Thus the number of observations on which a specific estimate is based varies across Tables included in the Baseline Report.
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Millennium Challenge Corporation
Cost: None
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? |
no |
The use of the datasets must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Michigan State University. Lesotho Systematic Regularization of Land in Urban and Peri-Urban Areas (MCC-SRLUPUA) 2013, Ref. LSO_2013_MCC-SRLUPUA_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | |
Monitoring & Evaluation Division | Millennium Challenge Corporation | |
Name | Role |
Millennium Challenge Corporation | Metadata Producer |
Version 1.1 (April 2014). This version uses a new metadata template
Version 2.0 (April 2015). Edited version based on Version 01 (DDI-MCC-LSO-MSU-LARP-2013-v-1.1) that was done by Millennium Challenge Corporation.
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