Value |
Category |
60 Days |
practic 7 days |
Analysis of students about Students miss school and poor student 6 day |
PA - Training Course for 3 month |
PA - Training, training about, training about |
School Quality 10 day, Analysis 8 day |
Solve the problem in physic 5 day, Training about management (budget) for school 5 day |
Study to combine |
The orgarization of laerning-teacching a representation 5 days |
To research real situation, children-volumteer, UFO, theater |
UFO, Addiction, research, multigrade, How to teach laolanguage and mathematik for primary school |
UXO 30day, Teacher Upgrading 45 day. |
_ Explaination on how to colrlect statistic 5 day, The assessment of primary school 5 day |
education development 5 days, quallity school, math teaching technic 3 days |
inclusive 7 days, HIV Aid 3 days, Child friend 5 days and school feeding 3 |
population Studies,the HIV,Program promote reading (ALC),Improve the quality of teaching-teaching mathematics subject |
qualty school 10 day, Education assessment 6 day, Planing with every attending 6 day. |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.