Value |
Category |
No evercise book for lao language |
Teacher only
some exercise books |
Teacher give the score when student come to board and do exercise well. For comment, teacher talk to them and correct it. |
Teacher tell copy
story in the excercise book then teacher checking and gived score |
have only
exercise Lao language and math |
large volume of homework is not marked by teachers. |
no textbook |
student have 3 exercise books : draw book+practice writing book, dictate book and Lao lanquage |
students has only one notebook for each subject, no comments and errors checking and corrected from teacher |
work books consist of many subjects suchas maths,drawings,general knowledge, lao language, beautiful hand writing. How ever, teachers don't mark accept for drawings. |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.