Value |
Category |
A Cooling, conditioning and electrical technician |
A Ttelecommunication technicain |
A cashier |
A comapany coordinator |
A conditioning technician |
A consulting assistant |
A design engineer |
A graphics and management technician |
A graphics designer |
A maintenance Engineer |
A marketer |
A marketing and sales representative |
A marketing representative |
A mechanic engineer |
A mechanical engineer |
A medical labs technician |
A nurse |
A personnel officer |
A pharmacist |
A porter |
A project expert |
A public relations officer |
A quaity control officer |
A sales manager |
A sales representative |
A secretary |
A secretary of General Manager |
A shop director |
A supervisor |
A teacher |
A trainer of accounting system in the contracting company. |
A translator |
A typing technician |
A typist |
A waiter |
A website officer |
A worker |
A workers supervisor |
Accounting |
An English teacher |
An IT engineer |
An accountant |
An administrative employee |
An administrative officer+ assistant of HR manager |
An aluminum technician |
An architect |
An electonic and electric engineer |
An electric engineer |
An electric technician |
An employee in marketing section |
An engineer |
An engineer in conditioning section |
An office manager |
An officer of marketing and public relations |
Data Auditing |
Engineering works and supervising |
HR |
Having an idea about Al Amal Bank. |
Human development and IT |
In Sabir Hospital |
In a medical lab |
In medical labs |
In sales and an accountant |
Machines operation and maintenance |
Marketing |
Marketing management |
Network management+ maintainance and systems security |
Online marketing |
Personnel |
Public relations |
Public relations+collector+ selling and purchasing |
Reception |
Reception and clients |
Sales |
Sales in a pharmacy |
Selling and marketing |
Supervision and inspection of stores |
Tickets agent |
Time management |
Warehouses officer |