Literal question
H-24. Rooms
_ _ How many rooms, including kitchens, are there for this household? Count all rooms in all dwellings. Exclude bathrooms, sheds, garages, stables, etc. unless persons are living in them. For example, if 4 rooms [0] [4].
Interviewer instructions
Question H-24 -- Rooms
This question has two parts, H-24 and H-24a. Only those who answer '1 room' to H-24 will answer 24a.
"How many rooms, including kitchens, are there for this household?"
Count all rooms (in all dwellings, if applicable). Exclude bathrooms, sheds, garages, stables, etc. unless there are people living in these rooms, but include all rooms occupied by household members.
Write the answer in the box, e.g. if 4 rooms, write "04". If three families share a four-roomed house, meaning they occupy one room each and share the kitchen, write "02". (Notice that the question does not ask how many rooms there are in the dwelling unit, but how many rooms the household uses.)
Note that the skip is only stated in the instruction for the next question.