Literal question
H-26a. Source of water
_ What is this household's main source of water for domestic use? Write only one code in the box.
1 = Regional/local water scheme (operated by a Water Service Authority or Provider)
2 = Borehole
3 = Spring
4 = Rain-water tank
5 = Dam / pool / stagnant water
6 = River/stream
7 = Water vendor
8 = Other (specify) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Interviewer instructions
Question H-26a -- Source of water
"What is this household's MAIN source of WATER for domestic use?"
Please indicate only one alternative.
Households who have piped water do not necessarily know where the water comes from. In most cases piped water comes from regional or local water schemes (1), boreholes (2) or springs (3). If the piped water is from a regional or local scheme, this takes precedence, and the respondent should not answer e.g. dam even if the scheme uses a dam. The reason is that this question is interested in the quality of people's water (rather than convenience), and it is assumed that water from a scheme is of good quality. People who do not have access to water from a scheme should indicate one of the other sources -- this assumes they carry water or have local pipework only.
If the respondent is not sure about the source of piped water, ask if they pay the municipality or service provider for water; if "Yes" mark 1. Note however that some people do receive a certain amount of water free from the municipality, so this is not a foolproof way of knowing.
If the answer is alternative 8 ("Other"), specify beneath the box.