Value |
Category |
0 |
16.6666660308838 |
33.3333320617676 |
62.5 |
133.33332824707 |
208.33332824707 |
337.962951660156 |
400 |
506.944458007812 |
675.925903320312 |
1075.92590332031 |
1689.81481933594 |
2027.77783203125 |
2250 |
2365.74072265625 |
2703.70361328125 |
2827.77783203125 |
3379.62963867188 |
4055.5556640625 |
4166.66650390625 |
4731.4814453125 |
5069.4443359375 |
6083.33349609375 |
6759.25927734375 |
7097.22216796875 |
7604.1669921875 |
8111.11083984375 |
8111.111328125 |
8178.70349121094 |
8773.14794921875 |
9462.962890625 |
10138.888671875 |
12000 |
12166.6669921875 |
12673.611328125 |
13518.5185546875 |
16222.2216796875 |
16222.22265625 |
18000 |
18250 |
19263.888671875 |
20277.77734375 |
22643.51953125 |
24333.333984375 |
28388.890625 |
37851.8515625 |
45625 |
48666.66796875 |
87870.3671875 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.