Value |
Category |
0 |
25 |
75 |
91.6666641235352 |
175 |
416.666656494141 |
437.5 |
583.333312988281 |
600 |
625 |
666.666687011719 |
750 |
833.333312988281 |
844.907409667969 |
1013.88891601562 |
1050 |
1200 |
1216.66662597656 |
1500 |
1689.81481933594 |
2027.77783203125 |
2365.74072265625 |
2500 |
2703.70361328125 |
2800 |
2838.88891601562 |
3041.66674804688 |
3379.62963867188 |
3548.61108398438 |
4055.5556640625 |
4393.5185546875 |
4666.66650390625 |
4731.4814453125 |
5069.4443359375 |
5407.4072265625 |
5643.5185546875 |
5914.35205078125 |
6250 |
6759.25927734375 |
7092.59262084961 |
7097.22216796875 |
7097.22265625 |
7908.33325195312 |
8111.111328125 |
8449.07421875 |
9462.962890625 |
10000 |
10645.8330078125 |
11152.77734375 |
12000 |
14194.4443359375 |
20277.77734375 |
24333.333984375 |
25009.2587890625 |
29571.759765625 |
30416.666015625 |
40555.5546875 |
47990.7421875 |
304166.65625 |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.