Analysis of Provider Payment Reforms on Advancing China's Health Impact Evaluation 2015
Baseline Survey
Name | Country code |
China | CHN |
Impact Evaluation
The Analysis of Provider Payment Reforms on Advancing China's Health Impact Evaluation, Baseline Survey (CHN_2015_APPROACHIE-BL_v01_M) was conducted in July 2015. The primary objective of the project is to design policy intervention in innovative provider payment methods to incentivise hospitals to deliver services with quality and do so efficiently. It also examines how governance of public hospitals and internal management affect hospital performances. The county-level hospital survey (CHS) and world management survey (WMS) are designed to collect baseline data about county-level hospitals. CHS covers the following sections: general information about the hospital, human resources, financial situation, governance, management, provider payment methods, and public hospital reform. WMS covers the following sections: operation management, monitoring management, target management, and people management.
Sample survey data [ssd]
CHS dataset: the unit of observation is a hospital;
WMS dataset: the unit of observation is an individual (physican or nurse).
CHS_V0.1.sav: county-level hospital survey; basic raw data in SPSS format, obtained from data entry; labeled in Chinese
CHS_V0.1.dta: county-level hospital survey; covert data into STATA format; labeled in English
CHS_V1.2.dta: county-level hospital survey; edited dataset; for internal use only
CHS_V2.1.dta: county-level hospital survey; edited anonymous dataset for public distribution
WMS_V0.1.sav: WMS survey; basic raw data in SPSS format, obtained from data entry; labeled in Chinese
WMS_V0.1.dta: WMS survey; covert data into STATA format; labeled in English
WMS_V1.2.dta: WMS survey; edited dataset; for internal use only
WMS_V2.1.dta: WMS survey; edited anonymous dataset for public distribution
From V0.1 SPSS to V0.1 STATA: covert to STATA format and label all variables in English
From V0.1 STATA to V1.2 STATA: data validation and cleaning; drop duplicates due to double entry
From V1.2 STATA to V2.1 STATA: drop identifiers
CHS covers the following sections: general information about the hospital, human resources, financial situation, governance, management, provider payment methods, and public hospital reform.
WMS covers the following sections: operation management, monitoring management, target management, and people management.
Guizhou Province
The survey covers all county-level public hospitals and a couple of county-level non-public hospitals in the 58 counties of Guizhou.
Name | Affiliation |
Winnie Yip | Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford |
Name |
Health Result Innovation Trust Fund, World Bank Group |
Questionnaires and manuals provided as external resources:
CHS covers the following sections: general information about the hospital, human resources, financial situation, governance, management, provider payment methods, and public hospital reform.
WMS was structured based on World Management Survey - 2009 Healthcare survey instrument ( It covers the following sections: operation management, monitoring management, target management, and people management.
Start | End |
2015-07 | 2015-07 |
Name |
Guizhou Medical University |
Zunyi Medical University |
University of Oxford, UK; Sichuan University, China; Fudan University China
Training was held before the survey. Pilot survey was conducted. On average, the interview took around 45 minutes to 1 hours. The interview was conducted in Chinese.
Data was edited using STATA.
Name | Affiliation |
Wei Han | University of Oxford |
Name | Affiliation | |
Winnie Yip | University of Oxford | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | CHS_V2.1 and WMS_V2.1 are for public distribution. |
Use of the dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Winnie Yip, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. Analysis of Provider Payment Reforms on Advancing China's Health Impact Evaluation (APPROACHIE-BL) 2015, Ref. CHN_2015_APPROACHIE-BL_v01_M. Dataset downloaded from [url] on [date].
The user of the data acknowledges that the original collector of the data, the authorized distributor of the data, and the relevant funding agency bear no responsibility for use of the data or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
Name | Affiliation | |
Wei Han | University of Oxford | |
Winnie Yip | University of Oxford | |
Name | Affiliation | Role |
Development Economics Data Group | The World Bank | Documentation of the DDI |
Version 01 (September 2015)