Value |
Category |
Detailed financial training on RBF |
Ebola Management. |
Femals Genital Mutilation |
Health education and disease prevention. |
IUD insertion and jedell method |
Imam and imnci |
MidWefry tranining only |
RBF training and ebola |
Suveilance |
disease suveillence |
emgency response, infection control |
hypertension diabetis |
infection control esp. with the nurses and the patients |
infection control,female genetal control |
information technology and disease suveilance |
male circumcission |
maternal and child health |
maternal and child nutrition |
mertanal and child health |
neonatel care |
palplus gambia and ENMCH |
preventive method of such diseases ,diarrhea |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.