Value |
Category |
After successful completion of marabout work |
Annually |
Annually. |
Any time |
Architect |
At irregular times |
At irregularly times. |
At the end of every two months |
Base on contract |
Base on the availability of contract |
Base on. Contract |
Building Contractor |
Carpentry |
Contract |
Contract Bases |
Contract Basis |
Contract bases |
Contractor |
Contractully |
Don't know |
Don't know the amount |
Don't know the amount. |
During my dry season business activities. |
Electrician |
Every 3 months |
Every time the painting job is finished. |
Four months |
From time to time |
I don't kno |
I don't know |
I don't know that |
I dont know |
Irregularly. |
It varies |
Labour farm work |
Labour force |
Labour source |
Marabout |
No pay |
Not Frequency |
Not Frequent |
Not frequency |
Not frequent |
Not reliable |
Occasionally |
On Contract Bases |
On contract bases |
Paid 4 a building work |
Painter |
Per annum |
Personal Business |
Quarterly |
Randomly |
Randomly accrue through business activities, |
Total earning for a period of nine months. |
Two payments |
Two payments. |
Wages |
Was not willing to disclose |
Whenever I do the leather works. |
Yealy |
Yearly |
annually |
depends on contracts |
every four months |
five months |
irregularly. |
on contract bases |
once per contract |
per annum |
per annum. |
yearly |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.