Value |
Category |
Any time damanded |
Assistance from a family member |
Don't know |
Donot Know. |
During a naming ceremony. |
During a wedding ceremony. |
During an occasion. |
During events |
During my recent naming ceremony. |
During my wedding ceremony. |
During the eid only |
Earned that from a naming ceremony organized by the household |
Earned that from naming ceremony they organized |
Earns that amount from her sons naming ceremony |
Eid |
Every 2 months |
Every three months |
For free |
Gift |
It varies |
Labour force |
Naming Ceremony. |
Not Frequency |
Not Frequent |
Not certain |
Occasionally |
Occassion |
Once |
Own porket |
Rarely |
Receive as gift |
Ten times. |
Three payments. |
Two payments. |
Upon request |
When the need arises |
When there was a need for that. |
Yearly |
do not know. |
four months per year |
gift |
not frequency |
once |
once per ceremony |
whenever he has a naming ceremony |
within 4 months |
yearly |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.