Value |
Category |
Already did in Baja Kunda |
Already did in Baja Kuunda |
Already did in Foday kinda health center |
Already did in foday Kunda health center |
Already did ion Baja kunda health center |
Already did which is Hero Bawol health center |
Ashamed |
At home |
At the facility |
Bad roads or poor roads |
Community health facility |
Community owned clinic in Kuwon kuba. |
Deliver at health facility |
Deliver at the facility |
Deliverd in a formal health facility |
Delivered at a formal facility |
Delivered at a formal facility health post |
Delivered at a formal facility |
Delivered at a formal health facility |
Delivered at a health centre |
Delivered at a health facility |
Delivered at a health post |
Delivered at a health post which is formal |
Delivered at formal health center |
Delivered at formal health facility |
Delivered at health facility |
Delivered at home |
Delivered by TBA SL Q13.37 to 13.43 |
Delivered in a formal Hospital |
Delivered in a formal clinic |
Delivered in a formal hospital |
Delivered in a health facility |
Delivered on the way to the facility |
Delivery was quick also |
Did not have an anternatal card |
Didn't know it was labour. |
Disapprove |
Does not apply |
Does not apply. |
Doesnot apply |
Doesnot apply. |
Don't know |
Don't know that I will give bath that day |
Formal |
Formal health facility |
Formal Facility |
Formal facility |
Formal health facility |
Formal health facility. |
Formal hospital |
Formal place |
Gave birth in a formal |
Gave birth in a formal Health facility |
Gave birth in a formal hospital |
Gave birth in a government major hospital |
Health Center |
Health Facility |
I delivered in Demba Kunda Kuta Health Center but not on the list. |
I thought my delivery time was not due. |
Is not applicable, because she delivered in a formal hospital |
It all came up too early |
It all comes too early |
It all comes vary fast |
It all comes very fast |
It all happens very fast |
It was an emergency delivery (unexpected) |
It was late at night |
It was so quick that I can't go to a health center. |
It was too late to go |
It was unexpected |
It was very fast |
It was very quick |
It was very quick also |
It was very quick before arranging transportation |
It was very quick that's why |
Its a formal health facility with an efficient nurse. |
Labour was so prompt. |
Late going to the facility |
Mother gave birth at home but the PDA does not have an option to mark for a mother who gave birth at home...I therefore just chose one of the options in order to have access to the questions that follows |
N/A |
No health facility |
None |
None. |
Nonee |
Not Applicable |
Not applicable |
Not applicable lady went to a formal clinic |
Not suppose to be ask |
Nothing |
Nothing there was no complication |
Noting |
Only two choice's were given |
She deliver at home |
She deliver at the clinic |
She deliver in a formal health center |
She delivered at a formal hospital |
She delivered at a formal clinic |
She delivered at a formal hospital |
She delivered at home |
She delivered in a formal hospital |
The delivery was very quick |
This question needs not to be ask bcos the lady delivered in a formal facility |
Travelled n deliver dere |
Want privacy |
Was alone at home and had no one to take her to the hospital |
Was delivered in the hospital |
Was too fast in labour |
We have a traditional birth attendance |
We have our community own clinic |
Were on the way to the health facility when the baby started coming we turn back home with the birth attendant. |
When to a formal clinic |
Woman delivered in a formal health facility |
Woman delivered in a formal health facility. |
Woman delivered in formal health I institution. |
delivered at a formal facility |
delivered at the hospital |
delivered in a formal hospital |
delivered in a government minor health facility. |
do not apply |
do not apply |
do npt apply |
does not apply. |
formal facility |
formal health facility |
formal health facilty |
gave birth on her way to the hospital |
gave birth on way to hospital |
health centre |
health staff come to community for postnatal care |
hospital |
it was raining heavily |
it was too fast dat i cannot go to hospital |
n/a |
not applicable |
not application |
not suppose be ask |
not suppose to be ask |
options not suitable |
the delivery was quick |
this is not supose to be answered |
this question is not applicable |
this question is not suppose to be ask |
thus question is not suppose to be ask |
too late to go to hospital |
was too fast in delivery |
we have our own |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.