Value |
Category |
11 |
Dessalines |
12 |
Gonaïves |
13 |
Gros-Morne |
14 |
Marmelade |
15 |
Saint-Marc |
21 |
Cerca La Source |
22 |
Hinche |
23 |
Lascahobas |
24 |
Mirebalais |
31 |
Anse dAinault |
32 |
Corail |
33 |
Jérémie |
41 |
Anse à Veau |
42 |
Baradères |
43 |
Miragoâne |
44 |
Paillant |
51 |
Acul-Du-Nord |
52 |
Borgne |
53 |
Cap-Haitien |
54 |
Grande-Rivière-du-Nord |
55 |
Limbé |
56 |
Saint-Raphaël |
61 |
Fort Liberté |
62 |
Ouanaminthe |
63 |
Trou du Nord |
64 |
Vallières |
71 |
Môle Saint-Nicholas |
72 |
Port-De-Paix |
73 |
Saint-Louis-du-Nord |
81 |
Aquin |
82 |
Cayes |
83 |
Chardonnières |
84 |
Coteaux |
85 |
Port-Salut |
91 |
Jacmel |
92 |
Belle Anse |
93 |
Bainet |
Sysmiss |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.