Value |
Category |
Annual fees |
Audio cassette purchases etc. |
Ayurvedic/ Kabiraji |
Bank interest charge, Payment of banking |
Bed cover |
Bedsheets |
Books, newspaper, magazines, story books |
Cameras/ camcorders/vedio camera etc |
Chair/ table/ dresing table /computer ta |
Cinema |
Color Television |
Contraceptive (condom, vesactomy etc) |
Contraceptive (pill, ligation etc) |
Curtain |
Dental related expenses |
Disaster-related maintenance/ repair |
Doctor's fees |
Donation/ Sadqa |
Electric fans, air-conditioners, coolers |
Examination fees |
Expenditure on Hajj |
Expenditure on births |
Expenditure on deaths |
Expenditure on marriage |
Fines |
Fitra |
Furniture repair/ polish etc. |
Gas burner, rice cooker, blander, oven e |
General insurance |
Glass/china/clay plates and dishes etc. |
Gold Jwelry |
Guitar/ orchestra/ harmonium etc |
Health-related travel/ incidental expens |
Hearing aids |
Home additions/ improvements |
Hospitalization, clinic charges, etc. |
Hostel Expenses |
House rent (rented house without water & |
Imitation Jwelry |
Imputed rent (owner-occupied or other) |
Income tax |
Jajim |
Khat/ chokey |
Legal practitioner fees |
Lenten/ chimney lamp etc. |
Life insurance |
Maternity expenses |
Medical Tests (X-ray, blood, urine etc.) |
Medicines |
Micro oven/Pressure cooker |
Mobile phone |
Mosquito netting |
Municipal tax |
Other (specific) |
Other (specify) |
Other furniture (specify) |
Other kitchen ware and utensils |
Other legal expenses |
Other personal use items (belts, etc.) |
Other practitioner's fees (homeopath etc |
Other recreation, marriage day/birthday, |
Other related services/ expenses |
Other routine maintenance/ repair |
Painting |
Personal Teaching expenses |
Photography |
Pillow cover, cushion cover |
Pillows, cushions |
Pots/ pans |
Property registration fees |
Purses/ money bags |
Quilt/blanket/Katha |
Qurbani |
Refrigerators |
Registration fees |
Religious functions (milad etc.) |
Remittances to others living separately |
School fees |
Sewing machine |
Silver Jwelry |
Spectacles |
Sporting expenses, club membership fees, |
Stove (electric/ gas/ kerosene) |
TV/ video/ satelite license fees etc. |
Table cover |
Text book/ note books/ stationary |
Tie-pin, cigarette cases, lighter etc. |
Toshok |
Trunks, suitcases, etc. |
Two-in-one |
Typewriter, personal computer, laptop, t |
Umbrella, walking stick |
VCD/ VCR/dish antenna/cable membership f |
VDO game set |
Vanity bags |
Variety shows, concerts, etc. |
Vehicle registration fees |
Video cassette purchases and rental etc. |
Washing machine, iron, etc. |
Water expenditure (bought bottle or deli |
Wooden/ steel almira/ wardrobe/ bookself |
Wrist watch/ clock etc. |
Zakat |
spoons/ forks/ knives etc. |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.