Quarterly Municipal Fisheries Survey 2015
Name | Country code |
Philippines | PHL |
Agricultural Survey [ag/oth]
The quarterly volume and value of municipal fisheries production by species by province are the data generated by the survey. The Fisheries Statistics Division of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) maintained the quarterly data series since 2002.
Prior to 2002, only annual municipal fisheries data were available by province by region and by species. These data were published in yearly publication of Fisheries Statistics of the Philippines.
Data collection for fisheries was originally under the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) until the creation of the BAS in 1987. Pilot survey of municipal fisheries was conducted in 1976. Sampling over space and time was done. Monthly survey was conducted in sample landing centers in selected days of the month in every coastal province in the Philippines. Statistical Researchers (SRs) were hired to observe actual unloadings of fish in sample fish landing centers. Annual municipal fisheries data were available by region and by province. Catch by species, by fishing ground and by fishing gear were also generated from the survey. These data were published annually in Fisheries Statistics of the Philipines until 1987.
When the mandate of collecting fisheries statistics was transferred from BFAR to BAS (now PSA), actual field data collection was temporarily suspended for administrative reasons. Alternative methods of estimation were used to produce fisheries statistics in the absence of surveys. Estimation of fish production was done at national level with some indicators coming from Operations Centers. Regional and provincial outputs were distributed with 1985 as the baseline data.
Improvements of survey design were developed through the years, until the quarterly survey of landing centers was adopted in 2002. Due to budgetary constraints, this quarterly survey of traditional fish landing centers was deemed to be the most appropriate design to get the desired information on volume and value of fish production. Since then, the BAS started to generate fish production by quarter, by province and by region.
Municipal fisheries is one of the three sectors of fisheries, the others being Commercial fisheries and Aquaculture. Municipal fisheries cover fishing in marine and inland waters.
The Quarterly Municipal Fisheries Survey (Traditional Landing Centers) is a survey on volume and price of fish unloaded at sample municipal fish landing centers by fishing boats with gross tonnage of three (3) tons and less. Data are collected through personal interview of at least five (5) key informants knowledgeable on the fishing activites at the sample fish landing center. Key informants may be a fisherman, fishing boat operator, fish trader, fish broker, or barangay officials. Monthly volume and price of fish unloaded at the landing centers are gathered on the last week of the last month of the reference quarter.
Data on marine municipal fisheries are collected in fish landing centers where fishermen unload and trade their catch.There are two types of municipal fish landing centers, namely: the traditional and those managed by Philippine Fish Development Authority (PFDA) and Local Government Units (LGUs).
The two types of survey conducted in traditional municipal fish landing centers are the monthly or probability survey and the quarterly or non-probability survey.
For monthly surveys, Statistical Researchers (SRs) are hired to do the actual interview of fishermen unloading at the sample fish landing centers. In the absence of adequate funds intended for the payment of wages for SRs, quarterly surveys are conducted by the regular staff in the Provincial Statistics Offices (PSOs).
The general objective of the survey is to generate information on the quarterly volume and value of fish unloadings by species at the provincial, regional and national levels.
Sample survey data [ssd]
Municipal fish landing centers
The scope of the Quarterly Municipal Fisheries Survey in traditional fish landing centers include:
Topic | Vocabulary | URI |
Economic/sectoral/fisheries | CountrySTAT Metadata | |
National coverage
Province is the lowest level of data disaggregation
All traditional municipal fish landing centers
Name | Affiliation |
Philippine Statistics Authority | National Economic and Development Authority |
Name | Role |
Government of the Philippines | Full Funding |
The list of all municipal fish landing centers in the country serves as the sampling frame for the Quarterly Municipal Fisheries Survey (QMFS) of traditional fish landing centers.
Stratified sampling by province is employed with volume of unloading per day as stratification variable. The landing center serves as the primary sampling unit. The landing centers are grouped into the following strata:
Stratum 1 - consists of the top producing fish landing centers
Stratum 2 - consists of the major producing fish landing centers
Stratum 3 - consists of all other landing centers
Simple random sampling is used in drawing the sample landing centers from the stratum. Replacement of sample landing center is allowed for landing centers with unstable peace and order situation and for hard or difficult to reach areas.
A total of 840 sample landing centers were covered nationwide.
No deviation from the survey design
Response rate for quarterly municipal fisheries survey is 100%.
A factor derived from the number of total fish landing centers over the sample fish landing centers by stratum is used to estimate the total volume of fish landed by municipal fishing boats in the province. This factor varies from one province to another.
QMFS Form 1 is a one-page questionnaire in the English language used in gathering information on the monthly volume and average price per kilogram by species of fish unloaded in traditional municipal fish landing centers during the reference quarter.
Name and classification of sample landing center are indicated in the questionnaire.Thirty-one major species are pre-listed with provisions for other species not mentioned in the list. These others or minor species are also included in data processing. However, only the 31 or major species are highlighted in all fisheries publications.
One questionnaire per respondent is used in the conduct of the interview. The name and type of a key informant are also included in the questionnaire.
The same questionnaire is used every quarter. The same data structure is required in every quarter.
Start | End | Cycle |
2015-03-16 | 2015-03-20 | First Quarter |
2015-06-15 | 2015-06-19 | Second Quarter |
2015-09-14 | 2015-09-18 | Third Quarter |
2015-11-23 | 2015-11-27 | Fourth Quarter |
Name | Affiliation |
Philippine Statistics Authority | National Economic and Development Authority |
The Regional Director (RD) is responsible for the regional level monitoring and supervision of the survey operations of the Provincial Statistics Offices (PSOs).
The Provincial Statistical Officer (PSO) is the over-all supervisor in the province. As the field supervisor, the PSO should ensure accuracy of data collection, completeness of the accomplished survey forms. As part of the PSO's tasks is the conduct of spot-checking and back-checking on the work of PSO staff who act as data collectors for this activity.
The Quarterly Municipal Fisheries Survey (QMFS) is one of the regular surveys of the Fisheries Statistics Division. This quarterly survey entails less cost in operation compared to the monthly survey in which SRs are hired to conduct the survey. In place of SRs, the PSO staff conduct the interview of at least five (5) key informants who are knowledgeable in the fishing activities in the sample fish landing center during the third or fourth week of the last month of the reference quarter.
On the average, a data collector could take an hour to accomplish one questionnaire. Since key informants are required to recall the monthly volume and selling price of species unloaded at the landing center during the quarter, more time are needed to get the desired information. Interview is being conducted in the dialect used in the province or in the national language. A pilot survey was done in Batangas before the full implementation of the nationwide survey.
Looking for the right and qualified respondents in the sample fish landing center affects the accuracy of data collected. Data collectors are also instructed to record any observations, event, circumstances, occurrences in the fish landing center that contribute to the changes in production.
Seasonality of species and weather conditions are the major contributory factors that affect the volume and price of fish unloaded at the landing center.
Manual editing of questionnaires at the provincial level is needed before the electronic data processing of survey returns.
Steps in data editing include the following:
a) Completeness of data items in the questionnaires
b) Correctness of unit of measurement used
c) Coding and encoding
d) Expansion factors used
Before the results are summarized, another series of consistency and completeness check was made during electronic data processing.
Not computed
Since quarterly survey of municipal fish catch was done through interviews of key informants, validation of responses is needed. Additional information was gathered from interviews of people from government and non-government agencies and offices and other stakeholders in fisheries. Use of auxilliary information was also one way of validating data generated by the survey. Examples of these were the programs for the improvement of catch of fishermen by the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, record of weather disturbances and provinces affected, existing fishery laws, report or study on status of fishing grounds, etc. Comparing current estimates with the time series data was also one way of appraising survey results.
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
National Statistician | Philippine Statistics Authority | | |
Is signing of a confidentiality declaration required? | Confidentiality declaration text |
yes | The PSA and its field personnel shall hold all data supplied by the establishments/households/individuals in confidence. The information obtained from each respondent of the census/survey or individual/establishment in administrative records shall be for statistical purposes only and not for taxation, regulation nor investigation purposes. The data shall be processed with others of the same category and shall be disseminated in summary forms or statistical tables so as not to reveal the identity of any respondent. Confidentiality of primary data collected from respondents/administrative records systems is guaranteed by Section 26 of the Republic Act No. 10625 (Philippine Statistics Act of 2013). Penalties shall be enforced to acts of breach of confidential information pursuant to Section 27 of the said Act. |
The use of this dataset must be acknowledged using a citation which would include:
Philippine Statistics Authority. Philippine Quarterly Municipal Fisheries Survey (QMFS) 2015, Ref. PHL_2015_QMFS_v02_M. Dataset downloaded from [URL] on [date].
The data users/researchers acknowledge that the PSA funding the study bear no liabilities and responsibilities for any particular, indirect, or consequential damages or any damages, whatsoever resulting from loss of use, or of data in connection with the use or for interpretations or inferences based upon such uses.
(c) 2015, Philippine Statistics Authority
Name | Affiliation | URL | |
Chief, Knowledge Management and Communication Division | Philippine Statistics Authority | | |
Chief, Fisheries Statistics Division | Philippine Statistics Authority | |