Value |
Category |
Aafganisthan |
Afghanistan |
America |
Baharain |
Bahrain |
Barain |
Barayena |
Burnai(Shanti Seanamaa) |
Canada |
Cyprus |
Denmark |
Dubai |
Egypt |
Germany |
Holland |
Iraq |
Ireland |
Jordan |
Kango |
Kirgistan |
Kubait |
Kubet |
Kubeta |
Kuwait |
Kuwet |
Lebanan |
Lebanon |
Lebnan |
Lebnan Army Bata |
Lebnin |
Ludiyana |
Macau |
Makau |
Maldhibsa |
Maldives |
Netherland |
Netherlands |
New Zealand |
Newsland |
Oman |
Philippines |
Portugal |
Qatar |
Qubet |
South Africa |
Sri Lanka |
Sudan |
Switzerland |
Turkistan |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.