Value |
Category |
0 |
Insecurity/conflict |
1 |
Ill/sick |
2 |
Disabled |
3 |
In school |
4 |
Too young/too old to work |
5 |
Retired |
6 |
Taking care of own household/family |
7 |
Waiting for reply from employer |
8 |
Waiting for busy season |
9 |
Trying to start a business |
10 |
Paid leave |
11 |
Unpaid leave |
12 |
Low season/bad weather |
13 |
Lost/quit work |
14 |
Doing unpaid volunteer work |
15 |
Husband would not allow me |
16 |
Lost hope to find work |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.