Value |
Category |
All were returning |
Because of famine and war |
Business |
Enheritance of her brother's home after his death |
For education only |
Got married |
House rent |
Job |
Job looking |
Land infertile |
Looking for land for cultivation |
Lowland |
Marriage |
Marriage. |
Married |
Near to school |
New home |
No Job in Abyie |
No body to care for |
Normal changing of location. |
Normal migration |
Normal migration. |
Normal movement |
Normal reason |
Nornal movement. |
Not our land |
Rent |
Renting |
Schooling |
They have family prayer |
They were advice by their mother to leave the former house |
To be close with son |
To be in my home country |
To be independent in own house |
To care for me being old mother |
To grow food |
To have her own home |
To join the husband |
War in 8 july |
Wounded. |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.