Value |
Category |
Collect fire wood and sale for buying food. |
Collect the firewood to the market |
Collect the vegetable for the consumption |
Collected tree leave |
Gathering firewood for sale |
Gathering the green vegetable for consumption |
Gathering the green. vegetables for consumption |
Gathering wild fruit and leafs of tree |
Help from the church |
I have to borrow some money for consumption |
Leaves of tree |
Leaves tree |
Make small business to serve ourselves |
Move to Sudan |
Plants the vegetable to help me during the dry season |
Relative |
Sell firewood to buy food |
Selling some sogum |
Sometimes we used greens |
Stay with out food. |
Taking loan From others |
They depend on while vegetables |
This happen because of war in the cauntry so we reduce the consumption only. |
Tree Leaves |
Tree leaves |
We gathered green vegetable (nguit) for consumption |
Work for casual to get money for consumption |
Working for others. |
Working in some body farm. |
Warning: these figures indicate the number of cases found in the data file. They cannot be interpreted as summary statistics of the population of interest.